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      story #8668 add "assigned to" value in tracker notifications subject
    tracker admin
    add "assigned to" value in tracker notifications subject
    I can test if it's suitable to filter out emails

    This is for test purpose only:

    • 1 flag in DB to activate or not the feature (set by siteadmin), project wide
    • When flag is enabled, email subject sent by project trackers will be like:
      • [request #8534] this is a test
        • When I get the mail but I'm not assignee (ie. no modifications of the subject)
      • [request #8534][assigned to me] this is a test
        • When I get the mail and I'm assigned to the artifact
    • When flag is enabled, email body (text and HTML) sent by project trackers have a variable ASSIGNED_TO with an username for each users assigned to the artifact.
    • The permissions shall be verified (to ensure the email receipient is allowed to read the assigned to field)


    • This feature is designed for test (hence activation in DB) in 2 releases after the realisation there must be a choice:
      • either the feature is useful and there are stories to make it long term
      • either it's removed in favor of another story
    Nouha Terzi (terzino), Salma MOAKHAR (moakhars), Denis PILAT (denis_pilat), Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
    • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
    • [ ] Are there any mockups?
    • [ ] Are permissions checked?
    • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
    • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
    • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
    • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
    • [ ] Is it exploratory?
    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    2016-02-09 14:43
    2015-12-07 10:04

    Referencing story #8668
    Referenced by story #8668


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    It's hardcoded to "Assigned to" semantic. You cannot specify another field

    • Category set to
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    What do you mean ?

    It's harcoded to the field name ? Or there is somehow an internal assigned to field that alway exists in TV5 .

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    Is the "assigned to" field the one  indicated in the semantics ? (in other words can it be changed to another "assignet to field" ?



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    ST gals & guy,

    You can test it either with a dev build or with soon to be release 8.10.


    • CC list Denis PILAT (denis_pilat), Nouha Terzi (terzino), Salma MOAKHAR (moakhars) added
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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2016-01-07 14:45

    To activate the feature, a new MySQL table has been created and needs to be filled. If you want to enable it for a project with the ID <project_id>, the following SQL request must be executed: INSERT INTO plugin_tracker_notification_assigned_to VALUES(<project_id>);

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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2015-12-14 11:06
    Part concerning the ASSIGNED_TO variable have been added to the acceptance criteria.

    • Acceptance criteria
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      Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
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    It's fine to have it in the email.
    1SP sound a little bit high, but at least if we cancel all the other part of this dev, this one could remains since not impacting users.
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    Could you just provide me an example of what is already hidden into e-mail, so that I can make sure I can use it thru outlook.

    As of today you have TRACKER and PROJECT variables hidden inside the mail content

    Please also notivce that the art short namne and ID must also be in []:
    [request #8534] [Manuel VACELET] this is a test

    Yes of course.

    Actually, after further investigation when several people can be assigned to a ticket, it's easier to fit with your initial proposal: having "assigned to me" in the subject when someone is assigned. So we modified the story to go this way.



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    Could you just provide me an example of what is already hidden into e-mail, so that I can make sure I can use it thru outlook.
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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2015-12-09 16:11
    • Acceptance criteria
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    > Can't you also implement something in the header, hidden to the end-user mailbox,n but visible thru the end-user mailer that can process rules ?

    Yup but it's 1 more SP, do you want to add it ?
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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2015-12-09 09:13
    • Status changed from Ready (stalled) to On going
    • CC list set to Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
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    The one you talked me last week.
    A kind of hidden value put into the mail body, not in the real email header.
    You said you already have such value deployed for other customers
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    Can't you also implement something in the header, hidden to the end-user mailbox,n but visible thru the end-user mailer that can process rules ?
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    1/ Please confirm the [assigned to] contain the full name , and not the login name?

    Yes, full name

    2/ Will this notif be sent also to user not assigned to the artifact ? It seems yes, just need your feedback.

    Sent to anyone, no other modification in notification mechanism than subject change

    It's not a problem for the testing part, but at the end, we will request only assignee to receive such email.

    This might not be possible.

    3/ your Note: I understand you will not provide any UI for now, just an entry in the DB. If "yes" I'm fine with this approach.


    Please set the activation project per project in the place of "platform wide", or tracker per tracker .Otherwize it will be too complexe to test.


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    last edited by: Denis PILAT (denis_pilat) 2015-12-07 12:55
    1/ Please confirm the [assigned to] contain the full name , and not the login name?

    2/ Will this notif be sent also to user not assigned to the artifact ? It seems yes, just need your feedback.
    It's not a problem for the testing part, but at the end, we will request only assignee to receive such email.

    3/ your Note: I understand you will not provide any UI for now, just an entry in the DB. If "yes" I'm fine with this approach.
    Please set the activation project per project in the place of "platform wide", or tracker per tracker .Otherwize it will be too complexe to test.

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