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      request #8801 Unable to upload a document
    Jonathan (jod)
    2016-02-11 15:52
    2016-01-22 15:36
    Unable to upload a document

    I am using the version of Tuleap, and when I try to upload a document, it doesn't work. It creates an element in the document tree, but the file is not uploaded and I have an error message in Tuleap.

    Moreover, I also have an error in my httpd logs (see attachement).

    Is there something to configure ? Or is it a permission problem ?


    Doc/Documentation manager
    CentOS 6
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Yannis ROSSETTO (rossettoy)


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    Contrib merged in

    • New install will have files properly owned by codendiadm instead of root
    • Existing install will have a check with a warning for this case

    • Status changed from Under review to Closed
    • Assigned to changed from None to Yannis ROSSETTO (rossettoy)
    • Close date set to 2016-02-11
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    Thanks for your reply.

    We will add some checks for these repositories access rights and we will enhance the setup.sh to avoid such errors.

    • Status changed from New to Verified
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    Jonathan (jod)2016-02-04 14:25

    I have finally solved my problem !

    Nouha was right, the problem was in the permissions of the folder /etc/tuleap/plugins/docman/etc was set to 700, and with root as owner. I have changed to 755, with codendiadm as owner, and it works !


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    Jonathan (jod)2016-02-04 10:55


    When I log as codendiadm and try the following commands, there is no error and the files and folders are correctly created.

    I have also tried to modify the ownership of docman.inc, from root to codendiadm. But this doesn't solved my problem, I still have an error, but not the same ! (see ErrorHttpd2.png). There is maybe other permissions to change ?



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    Nouha Terzi (terzino)2016-02-03 15:25
    last edited by: Nouha Terzi (terzino) 2016-02-03 15:28

    we had today the same problem on the new forge running tuleap 8.10.

    The issue was due to a permision issue on the docman.inc file. codendiadm was not able to read it, thus the docman_root param was seen as empty instead of /var/lib/tuleap/docman.

    we modified the ownership to codendiadm:codendiadm of ths file under /etC/codendi/plugins/docma/etc/docman.inc. it fixed the issue


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    What happens if you do as codendiadm:


    mkdir /var/lib/tuleap/docman/test

    mkdir /var/lib/tuleap/docman/test/ab

    touch /var/lib/tuleap/docman/test/ab/plop

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    Jonathan (jod)2016-02-03 11:51


    Any other idea ? I'm really stuck on that. I have updated tuleap and its plugins but I still have the same error in version


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    Jonathan (jod)2016-01-25 14:09
    Just to let you know that I can create empty documents, but when I try to update them by uploading a content, I have the same error...

    Any idea ? :/
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    Jonathan (jod)2016-01-25 11:07

    I have done a complete reboot of my virtal machine, and also restart manually the tuleap service. Now in my administration page, ALL the system events are in status done, even the old ones.

    Then, I have tried to add a document to my projet but I still have the same error :(
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    You said that all system_check are in "New". Is your tuleap service started ?

    Please do a `service tuleap restart` as root to be sure.
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    Jonathan (jod)2016-01-25 10:27
    Hello !

    In attachment you will find the result of "ls -al /var/lib/codendi/docman"

    In the administration page, I have all the events "SystemEvent_SYSTEM_CHECK" which have the status "New".
    And in the codendi_syslog file, I don't have any event linked to docman....

    Thanks again for your help
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    last edited by: Yannis ROSSETTO (rossettoy) 2016-01-22 17:18

    * Can you please provide the result of ls -al /var/lib/codendi/docman ?
    * What is the status of your last system_check event ?
    * If the status is done, do you have something related to docman root folder for project ... into codendi_syslog file ?
    User avatar
    Jonathan (jod)2016-01-22 17:16
    For "ls -l /var/lib/tuleap/docman", it returns nothing (empty folder) ..

    And in the docman.inc I have :
    $docman_root = '/var/lib/codendi/docman';
    $embedded_are_allowed = true;
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    ls -l /var/lib/tuleap/docman

    + what is the configured values in /etc/tuleap/plugins/docman/etc/*.inc ?
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    Is /var/lib/tuleap/docman created and if yes, what is the result of ls -ld /var/lib/tuleap/docman
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    Jonathan (jod)2016-01-22 16:26
    Well, I had the same guess and I am already permanently in 'permissive' mode ...
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    Jonathan (jod)2016-01-22 16:05
    It's a first try on this Tuleap instance.

    We have another Tuleap, on version and on this one it works correctly.
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    Jonathan (jod)2016-01-22 15:40
    For information, the error message displayed on tuleap directly is the following :

    Permissions mises à jour.
    Document créé.

    Erreur lors de la création de la version initiale.