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    story #8858 query tracker with expressions
tracker export user
query tracker with expressions

See proposed UI integration

  • On a tracker report, in search area, I can switch to "Export" mode
  • The expert mode is a simple text area with select box for the fields that can be searched
  • Grammar
    • fields type: string & text
    • operators: (), AND, OR, =
  • The query is save in sessions & in DB (for reuse as report)
  • There is limited error management
  • Technically speaking
    • parse this grammar & generate AST
    • generate SQL from AST
      • manage permissions
      • introduce a limit with the depth of AST (configurable per site) in order to prevent too complex queries
  • Examples:
    • summary="test" and description="stuff"
    • (summary="test" or description="stuff") and free_text="stuff"


  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2017-01-04 13:31
2016-02-11 11:19

Referencing story #8858

Git commit


Refactoring: remove dead code 085e9e114c
Switch to expert mode b78accc032
Save in session 9306e21f9f
Fix edition of artifact 5fcdeeefa1
Save in DB c87e823a02
Save query 47e4e4fdd1
Parse a simple query 44b7d10221
Handle expert query during export/import XML 46cb4a019d
Parse AND/OR queries d1373a16c7
Exclude generated files from the autoload 3c76308b5d
Add missing generated class in the autoload e9e5c429fb
Add fields information in errors 9dc3ecaa47
Add selectbox to facilitate fields selection 4f3f0d150f
Fix fatal error on report 6cb42c77b1
Refactoring 00fa8b8e24
Enhance query edition with CodeMirror d2bb12d710
request #9784: Clean up Tuleap Query language grammar 28d4f18c9d
Bring the focus back to the editor 74f5e480bf
Give a complete error feedback with all fields 371c932643
Introduce a limit with the depth of AST f7992a6687
Refactoring: do not pass unneeded parameters to visitors 5f340b63d9
Autocomplete in expert mode 3a7f9693fe
Refactoring: do not pass unneeded parameters to visitors 7fb4cd8227
Refactoring: move collection in parameters 1ef9f205e0
Refactoring: wrap accept() calls ea7614062a
Invalid query means no results 1831802404
Glossify expert mode f80c75f9f2
Anonymous user cannot change the query 4b455ff5c7


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Laurence Terrien (ltn)2016-11-14 13:07
last edited by: Laurence Terrien (ltn) 2016-11-14 13:42

Q1. Could it be possible to have the opérator "not =" (different of) ?


Q2. We are asked for searching in the threads area (commentaires), will it be possible ?


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