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Matching artifacts: 28

Sprint Name
Capacity -in story points-
Total Remaining Effort
Start Date
WEEK 4532018-11-05
week 4532018-11-05
Week 49/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed20.52018-12-03story #12460
Sprint w33 - w34/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed532018-08-20story #12059, story #12060, story #12061, story #12137, bugs #12174, story #12176, story #12200
Sprint w52/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed20.52018-12-26story #12460, story #12627
Sprint w53-1/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed12018-12-31story #12628
Sprint w03/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed02019-01-14story #12729, story #12734
Sprint w07/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed302019-02-11story #12729, story #12734, bugs #12867, bugs #12999
Sprint W9-10/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed602019-02-25story #11800, story #13036, story #13087
Sprint w12/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed30.52019-03-18story #11800, story #13087, story #13120, story #13130, bugs #13137
Sprint W14/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed312019-04-01story #12060, story #13123, bugs #13135, story #13188, story #13195, story #13222, story #13226
WEEK 17/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed22.252019-04-23story #12060, story #12628, story #13188, story #13195, story #13222, story #13226, story #13317, story #13323, story #13326
WEEK 19/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed20.752019-05-06story #13188, story #13323
WEEK - 21/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed302019-05-20story #13320
WEEK - 22/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Closed212019-05-27story #11981, story #12628, story #13389
Items 115 of 28Items per page :