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Sort by: Artifact ID

Matching artifacts: 56

Artifact ID
Task title
17164Read the doc
17169Have a simple cli executable file
17171Create a first HelloCommand
17172Read doc on Tuleap API uses
17173Create an ArtifactGeneratorCommand
17174Read doc on import/export xml files
17906Generate one artifact with xml structure based on a specific tracker
17908Fix SSL Certificate problem
17916Validate XML file against RNG Schema
17917Generate artifacts dynamically in a xml file based on cli arguments for tracker id and number of artifacts
17926Read doc on Relax NG and RNC files
17927Read doc on Trang tool
17930Read doc on SSL certificate
17939Refacto ArtifactGeneratorCommand with business classes
17940Add a progress bar to visualize a loader during artifacts creation
Items 115 of 56Items per page :