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Sort by: Task title

Matching artifacts: 56

Artifact ID
Task title
17959Add a Makefile
19246Add a pre-commit hook to automatize linter and unit tests scripts
17940Add a progress bar to visualize a loader during artifacts creation
20130Checkbox and multiselectbox list field changes must contain at least one value
19226Complete generated artifact fields
18368Configure phpcs
17171Create a first HelloCommand
17173Create an ArtifactGeneratorCommand
18477Debug CurlCallerTest Read doc on closure and Mockery::on
19231Do not throw a JSONException in CurlCaller when the request fails
20082Each XML artifact fieldchange should have a dedicated unit test
19721Field changes creation is stopped when XmlArtifactGenerator encounters a field to ignore
18353Find an alternative to fzaninotto/faker (no longer maintained and incompatible with PHP 8)
17946Fix CA and curl headers issue on tuleap api call
Items 115 of 56Items per page :