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Matching artifacts: 56

Artifact ID
Task title
17173Create an ArtifactGeneratorCommand
17917Generate artifacts dynamically in a xml file based on cli arguments for tracker id and number of artifacts
17956Fix memory size exhausted because of faker provider text
17940Add a progress bar to visualize a loader during artifacts creation
18345Progressbar should output new line when finished
18354Install Psalm and Phpunit
18353Find an alternative to fzaninotto/faker (no longer maintained and incompatible with PHP 8)
18358Fix psalm issues
18359Install CodeSniffer PHPCS/PHPCBF
18368Configure phpcs
18372Read doc on Guzzle
18477Debug CurlCallerTest Read doc on closure and Mockery::on
17939Refacto ArtifactGeneratorCommand with business classes
18479Throw an exception when curl call fail
18371Set up tests environment
Items 1630 of 56Items per page :