    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    17 (2015-09-09 00:00)

    Referenced by rel #8323

    Artifact Tracker v5

    story #8160 Artifact modal handles open list & perm on artifact fields
    story #8308 generic tag path specification
    request #8335 Proftpd project folders are nor renamed when project renamed
    request #8320 Updates to Story Points are not immediately reflected in the V2 Planning
    request #8224 Docker : tag images with 8.3
    story #8266 have a compact view of kanban cards
    story #8316 generic tag path specification - live preview
    story #8251 use a tracker in hierarchy for kanban
    request #8355 Login on front page doesn't take reverse proxy into account
    story #8341 Filter backlog items in backlog in planning v2
    story #8342 Infinite scroll in planning v2 backlog
    request #8104 Accentuated letters are not properly displayed in the subject of a message
    request #7937 Notices when synchronizing project with the IM service
    request #8351 Angular modal: required text field prevents from submitting
    request #8309 Get rid of PrototypeJS
    request #8357 htmlentities appaer in tooltip
    request #8350 fix use art and artifact keyword for both tracker v3 and v5
    request #8359 tv3->tv5 migration failed when tv3 text field had been switched to numeric ones
    request #8362 Check password is broken when user wants to change it
    story #7883 pluginify and upgrade PHPWiki to 1.5.2
    story #8263 ease kanban onboarding
    story #8337 set the truncated email at project level + FRS
    story #8339 truncate notification for svn
    request #8376 kanban drag 'n' drop utterly broken on columns
    request #8377 Profile script broken on CentOS6
    request #8375 Give the possibility to complete reference slidebar for an artifact
    request #8368 Files with special characters can't be downloaded with WEBDAV
    request #8378 Speed-up queries on this system_event table
    request #8379 Purge system_event table data older than one year
    request #8387 Too many call to the db in the artifact modal when there is a field list bound to user
    request #8388 Typo in english new user creation e-mail
    request #8360 REST call slowness
    request #8374 Angular modal is very slow at first run
    request #8386 tuleap reverse proxy in docker-compose is not working properly
    request #8384 Final / is no more mandatory for archived delete item path
    request #8363 Plugin load mecanism update
    request #8398 When the first card in a Kanban column is dragged, its next sibling goes under the column header
    request #8397 SystemEvent_SERVICE_USAGE_SWITCH always in RUNNING status
    request #8415 REST API may send html format if used in browser and Accept header not JSON
