Marie Ange Garnier (marieange)2019-03-04 10:19 gerrit #14240 integrated into Tuleap Connected artifacts Added Fixed in: rel #12561
Nicolas Terray (nterray)2018-06-21 11:27 gerrit #11731 that introduces a user preference is under review
Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean)2017-07-21 15:16Summary -BurningParrot: too much margins +BurningParrot: have a condensed mode
Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean)2017-06-23 15:53 We'll propose a condensed mode for BurningParrot. The user will have the choice in hit settings between "normal mode" and "condensed mode". The condensed mode will affect several parts of the UI such has table line height, space between widgets… Technically, the npm run build will generate for each colors: burning-parrot-[color].css burning-parrot-[color]-condensed.css tlp-[color].css tlp-[color]-condensed.css same for each plugins where BurningParrot is present So either burning-parrot-[color].css + tlp-[color].css or burning-parrot-[color]-condensed.css + tlp-[color]-condensed.css will be loaded by the browser (no dirty scss overrides on top of normal scss file). Where the margin should be adapted between normal and condensed mode, we'll use the scss $tlp-variable-spacing variable. $tlp-spacing should be use for static spacing. Assigned to set to NoneReported in version set to CC list set to Platform set to
Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean)2017-03-08 11:08 Mass Change Status changed from Verified (disabled) to Verified