    story #10173 Have multiple dashboards
Have multiple dashboards


My personal page dashboard and Project dashboard:

  • These pages now use BurningParrot theme
  • I have a tabbar (tlp-tabs) so I can switch between several dashboards
  • The current dashboards are migrated under a "General dashboard"
  • Widgets are displayed using tlp-panes
  • The widgets and layout configuration is now in the edition dashboard modal
    • Layout customization : remove the layout manager and the custom layout possibility. Add a new three columns layout "1-2-1" in predefined layout. We can choose the prefered layout with a tlp-select
  • I can add an empty dashboard (no preconfigured or templated dashboard yet)
    • using a modal, I only have to give a name to the dashboard
  • I can edit and delete the dashboard directly from the tab
    • on hover and currently on this tab, buttons appear
  • All add/edit/delete dashboards/widgets are done with the same perms as before


  • [BONUS] I can reorder the dashboards (tabs)
  • No more footer ?


My personal page dashboard:

  • No right sidebar (projects) (do not reproduce what you see in the mockups for now)
  • Header only have a title (do not reproduce what you see in the mockups for now)

Project dashboard:

  • Header contains
    • project name
    • project privacy
    • parent project (if possible)
Marine Pieux (nynoe)
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean)
2017-06-21 22:30
2017-04-21 15:55

Referencing story #10173

Git commit


Use BurningParrot in my or project dashboard 81fa0b98f3
Remove extra padding in /my/ dashboard 9f8261a34a
Display user name in /my/ a18e75aeb0
Display administration link in BurningParrot navbar only for siteadmin 49c045422f
Display name of a project and its parent 5099136859
Add empty dashboard e615007cf1
Refactoring: use Tuleap\Dashboard\User namespace c4f136a42f
Refactoring: Remove legacy class DivBasedTabbedLayout ba83703735
Delete a /my/ dashboard 0a293f083c
Edit a /my/ dashboard 80fbb6e531
Refactoring: move redirection into Controller cac46e33fe
Refactoring: build sidebar in a dedicated object 3275399f71
Display empty state when no dashboard on /my/ 74ea82540b
Display project access badge e8babca9a1
Display nb of members badge c772e2553d
Display trove cat of project 23612c89a5
Determine that a user is on a dashboard is vulnerable to ReDoS [1] 4b9874bdf6
Bump avatar reduction to 100×100 e2abb7d888
Add dashboards on project page 982daaf7a2
Display user avatar on /my/ f848e9970c
Remove composite primary key on user dashboard e4addc93c6
Edit dashboards on project page 7ecd2ef846
Add margin below avatar in /my/ 60b012e9f3
Delete dashboards on project page 9ec3017c8b
Empty state for an empty dashboard project ebc62cca90
Add index on name in project_dashboards c0170a1f54
Refactoring: bring consistency in css classnames 566af6d740
Display sidebar of project in BurningParrot 497b6cb036
Glossify avatar management in user preferences bc1f89a03e
Refactoring: move common mustache in a dedicated file f0bc09ae7c
Refactoring: remove unused parameters 18631a222c
TLP: dropdown menu can be on a single icon 9bd8060ec1
Replace edit/delete button by a dropdown e7e43df618
Display fake widgets in rows/columns that are defined in db 6006ee0f56
Display correctly on IE11 05abcc6bd0
Display ImageViewer or MyProjects widget ef4649e600
Use database to display widgets 57c2613878
Refactoring: switch if order 602ee90276
Refactoring: extract code in dedicated methods 56d1ef92f9
Smaller /my/ header c3084907da
User can add widget to dashboard d7f440dca6
Minimal styling of MyMonitoredForums, MyMonitoredFp and Rss b8a7ee3a07
Minimal styling of MyBookmarks for new dashboards f146669e62
Project members cannot add/edit/delete a dashboard 389b36e0c7
Widgets should not break page rendering in project b59e94fb70
Empty dashboard CTA is now "add widget" da4dd74361
Change dashboard dropdown order ca296f918a
CVS and SVN latest commit does not raise a notice 21e0d9170c
Redirect to the requested dashboard 5ba28f8606
Drag & Drop widgets b19f460ecc
Delete a widget 61030c7561
Remove widgets when we remove a dashboard a0fd24ea3f
Merge commit 'refs/changes/70/8470/1' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD bfb6ba6fb8
story #10173: The header of the widget is the handle for the drag'n'drop 8918ca1664
Delete widget should be confirmed 089e2f55af
Delete menu item should be in "danger" color b86e083f36
Minimize/maximize widgets 4689c2cd3b
Drag&Drop add/delete line/column fb02ae1223
Close <a> tag so that it doesn't break the layout a28bcc0cd1
Add unit tests for dashboard 4d1d05e47e
Add tlp-table for MyAdmin f5b4baf61a
Fix alignment between 2 and 3 columns layout 6b5bc25fd7
Proper alignment for 4-grid based layout 098e0203f0
Merge commit 'refs/changes/01/8501/1' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 8e32df0f68
story #10173: Fix Edit dashboard icon 5f58681463
Widget image should not scale the image db1603f097
Chart widget is displayed without error in new dashboards 60357d583a
My projects d458bdc3c9
Widget dropdown should be under the cog icon 7762e74c98
Drag & Drop several widgets before refreshing d23feaeb3a
Version hash dashboard js file 1a398b98f6
My artifacts (V3) should have color for priority in dashboard d50aea322b
Minimize and maximise inside widgets should not redirect on first dashboard 43c72d6d1b
Display a modal when we edit a widget f7c01ed97b
Remove dead code f4c8249bf6
Widget for Trackers improved: add style in table reports c0acd36f03
Refactoring: move the dropdown in mustache to ease modal addition 3fa397588e
Drag&Drop add/delete line/column 86aec06fa5
My document ID search ab0e9f1feb
Display properties to edit in modal cbd096fffe
Refactoring: move existing code in its own controller 9db5506767
Select and save a row layout in user dashboard 9e9b024cce
Duplicate new dashboards at project creation 4cffea13d8
Widget can now be edited with the modal dd4350ac1e
No question mark instead of accented characters 92c4ef9f15
Load widget via ajax 7299930089
rss url must always be a string b066115a54
Drag & Drop between two columns 0237f852ce
D&D correct padding c6d7cb7361
Merge commit 'refs/changes/19/8519/6' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD b219c8054d
story #10173: widget contact should works under BP and FP 290ba6f9e6
Fix rendering of widget System events 64bde1bf40
Add new artifact button (=== link to submit new artifact page) ede95d732d
On a tracker report we can't add anymore widget to dashboard 36de1fcf67
Error js on ie11 with layout dropdown on dropping widget 26b1e3589d
Duplicate widgets at project creation c6dc7f8452
Proper redirection after widget edition on project dashboard a68a3093d0
Drop down for add widgets in my projects dashboards 7796219612
Drag & Drop between two lines 158970c0ac
Graphontracker widgets are displayed in new dashboards 64967b058a
Refactoring: create a WidgetFactory d55fb1c85b
Fix fatal error on tracker report b4e119299a
Make cardwall widget great again ff04161b99
Introduce medium-sized modal in TLP 80d316cefb
Add chart to my dashboard fbd8ee8e48
Add chart to project dashboard 63c5c67889
Add unit tests 2ac86314ac
Remove modal containers from widget header 15edb1ac06
Technical refactoring: use __construct() 1472ccbd61
Widgets have overflow-x: auto 5718a915df
Add a layout button on lines created by drag and drop 590019a43c
Use DOMPurify in edit widget modal 5cb5d48f96
TLP allows to filter a table with sections ab61856a74
Fix dashboard mis-alignement a2effd2354
No DnD when user is not project admin 381e18f56d
Layout dropdown should not be cloned for anonymous users 6d47d39b0a
Modal to display widgets in AJAX 380da86f82
Mark the delete button of a widget as dangerous bce778000e
Do not HTML encode the widgets title two times 3696ba5295
Correct style for contact widget 72e2c0c9b3
Correct image padding dor contact widget dac03bdfcc
Correct style for My and Project Jenkins Job cd0aab36bc
Correct style for contact widget b8cbadb8b6
Display widget's description in panel 73214f7d4a
Correct style for team project widget 85ecfd320b
Toggle in a widget should redirect to the current dashboard 7d255ff258
Force table to not be filtered on modal close 4b8666380a
Fix npm error at compile time in dashboards 67be870dc1
The button "New ..." is only displayed in widgets 2c59556c83
Widget_ProjectSvnStats should not depends on widget.php file fb62c75487
Correct style for My Document search 7735446873
Project last build : report icon is not vertically center ac69ba70ad
Count access to new dashboards for the instrumentation b07cbec246
Add widget in dashboard when no configuration required 1cb64e5862
CI - My last artifacts - nothing is displayed 4585573c0f
Open modal when we click on add widget button 3fc4330ede
Project latest file releases - missing marge everywhere 4220965dd0
Add missing description in add widget modal b256d7ce40
Correct style for project latest svn et CVS commit b74841082d
My monitored forum - First forum should not be outside HTML table 7576fc612d
Remove dev flag 71628e6d43
Project link addWidgetOnSummaryPage should not depend on legacy bb13ab20f8
Use tlp for widgets with configuration in add modal 1719e171c3
forgeupgrade for migrating existing dashboards ed4c735668
Toggler in widgets is working again b0eab4cfca
Widget links should be easier to click f2dc3ecadb
Open modal when we click on add widget button 2bda017036
Remove Widget::getIframeUrl 264c5922f2
Remove Widget::getPreferencesForm() b161165523
Fix columns alignment between layouts b6f14ae552
Remove legacy call to widget.php for ajax content e0f8a13115
Style git pushes widget 7325d19e64
Add style for user delegation f0392e758b
Correct minimize/maximize for my document under review 6cefea3bef
Add style for project delegation widget 590ff34258
Remove legacy call to updatelayout.php for add chart in my/project dashboard f4c583bb11
Fix IE11 modal widgets c1170669e1
Remove legacy call to widget.php for RSS in widget d13db26c10
Remove widgets.php 150396a729
Do not display unavailable widgets 774d6d1cb4
Remove dead code DisplayUpdateLayout 3535eb2235
Remove widgets.php 585fe72539
My monitored files release should not have an error b2f9c41c16
Add dashboard name in the page title 5f16dc3d36
Remove unused widget.php file 4a646cceb3
Remove call to updatelayout.php in tracker renderer add to my/project 1a32d52bfe
Remove updatelayout.php 3b1f9947e6
purify getAjaxUrl in widgets everywhere 58c86ba144
Use trash from fontawesome in MyProjects d851141f4b
Ajax call in project dashboard should not be broken e09169dc11
No js error on empty dashboard f5a9d4f9cc
request #10320 Tracker report widget is broken when there are aggregated computations fa11d6b71f
Project public areas - convert icons to BP icons 2470108cf4
Remove orphan widgets after plugin removal fb381da964
Remove useless old icons since the conversion to BP icons 0888e77ae8
Remove uncalled functions in WidgetLayoutManager cd6fb02cdc
Remove call to project and user default template 70e7aeed94
Backend should enforce that a unique widget can't be used twice f74eb6c92f
Remove OWNER_TYPE_USER constant 33310200f0
Last file releases - update incons to BP 1ff26c45e2
A11y: menus must have menuitems 3c3984ee15
id must be unique in an html document 5adc695537
A11y: menus must have menuitems a7a594105e
It's not possible to update or create project links anymore 65dcaaff56
Remove usage of OWNER_TYPE_GROUP 4690b6d1f9
Style project links and add empty state ea896e0a8c
Missing direct link to artifact in tracker report widget 0b3a4cec36
Remove WidgetLayoutManager 8d11a36a29
Remove legacy dashboard table from installation d3a0658211
Remove "v5" mention from MyArtifacts widget dd3b836b16
Do not keep the session lock when manipulating widget data ee763a2d35
Respect column order of previous dashboards during migration 15db729559
Create default dashboard at user creation 83c73fc9de
Change empty state for My artifacts widget 8066bd87f4
Change empty state for My project widget 08e4bb0ecc
Referenced by story #10173


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Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2017-05-30 08:35
gerrit #8488 integrated into Tuleap

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  • So that
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  • Acceptance criteria
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
  • Attachments 5-project-dashboard-add-from-template@2x.png, 8-project-dashboard-edit@2x.png removed; 8-project-dashboard-add-widget.png added
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Marine Pieux (nynoe)2017-04-25 16:28
  • Acceptance criteria
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Marine Pieux (nynoe)2017-04-25 16:26
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Marine Pieux (nynoe)2017-04-25 16:17
  • Attachments 7-project-dashboard-rename@2x.png removed; 8-project-dashboard-edit@2x.png added
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  • Acceptance criteria
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Where is the [customize] button that let someone add widgets and customize the layout of the dashboard?

Should we keep the previous way of customization of the dashboard? If the answer is NO, how does a user choose that the middle column in this mockup is wider than its siblings?

When do the buttons edit/remove appear on a tab? When we hover the tab? When the tab is selected? Both at the same time?

Should we reproduce what is in the mockup for the project dashboard header or will it be done in a dedicated story?

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    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
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  • So that
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  • Permissions set to