Marie Ange Garnier (marieange)2017-08-23 09:44 Hi, I can't reproduce it on my side even after having changed my timezones. To help me debug, can you send me the result of following query? (please replace <artifact_id> with a sprint or release where you encounter the issue) SELECT * FROM tracker_changeset INNER JOIN tracker_changeset_value ON = tracker_changeset_value.changeset_id INNER JOIN tracker_changeset_value_date ON tracker_changeset_value.changeset_id = tracker_changeset_value_date.changeset_value_id WHERE tracker_changeset.artifact_id = <artifact_id> Best regards
Alan Jones Rios (allanjones93)2017-08-21 19:15 Nothing related to that. The screenshot of /var/log/tuleap:
Marie Ange Garnier (marieange)2017-08-21 19:04 Perfect, just one more thing do you have any logs in /var/log/tuleap/burndown_syslog? Best regards
Marie Ange Garnier (marieange)2017-08-21 18:07 Hi, Can you give me the timezone of your user in Tuleap? (you can find it in your user profile). Best regards
Alan Jones Rios (allanjones93)2017-08-21 17:59 Sorry for the late, User and Server timezone: "UTC Offset: UTC -3".
Marie Ange Garnier (marieange)2017-08-18 17:19 Hello, I think it's a timezone issue can you please provide me your user timezone and your server timezone? Best regards