    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    17 (2018-01-03 00:00)

    Referencing rel #10589

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #10893 Update Restler library
    request #10914 Search in legacy permission matrix is not compatible with register_globals off
    request #10891 Retrieving a descriptive name of the object associated with a tracker field permission might lead to a fatal error
    request #10884 Error when adding user in a ugroup already exist is not meaningful
    request #10889 Not set required field prevents artifacts from being deleted
    request #10920 Agile Dashboard > Admin > "Export the configuration" not working
    request #10688 Default value cant' be removed
    request #10879 Suspended and deleted users are still listed in project members page
    request #10922 When a kanban is deleted corresponding widgets in dashboards are not removed
    request #10915 Tracker notifications should be send asynchronously
    request #10923 Do not retrieve unneeded permissions
    request #10837 Tuleap-realtime receives fields already filtered
    request #10927 Kanban filter and modal loading state are broken
    request #10916 LDAP user with an UID matching multiples users according to sys_ldap_search_user param gets an error when they commit
    request #10930 Tests of the artifact modal used in PV2 can not be launched by the continous integration
    request #10928 Forking a repository rely only on the filesystem content of the forked repository
    request #10932 Remove specific implementation of filesize checker
    request #10931 Cannot add a site administrator to a project adminstrators users group
    request #10933 Remove PHP 5.1.6 polyfill for DateTime and DateTimeZone
    request #10801 fetchMailArtifactValue should take into account check permissions value
    request #10925 Search on projects is very slow
    request #10939 LDAP users are automatically created in Tuleap when displayed in a select box autocompleted
    request #10940 Npm run watch raises errors
    request #10892 Continuous integration plugins should support interacting with a Jenkins instance having the CSRF protection enabled
    request #10935 Sorting on "Rank" field causes artifacts not to be displayed in tracker report
    request #10853 Remove not usable SOAP interface from PHPWiki
    request #10943 Remove generic browser polyfills used for things before the IE11 world
    request #10815 Each access to a report log information not needed
    request #10945 Be able to add links in new Tuleap homepage
    request #10946 Prevent burdown field to be added multiple times in the same tracker
    request #10947 Cleanup remaining mod_auth_mysql configuration files
    request #8972 Get rid of all direct calls to mysql API
    request #10950 Remove remaining Apache RHEL5 configuration
    request #10948 Drop dependency to Zend Framework 1
    request #10956 Sending a tracker notification might lead to a fatal error
    request #10957 Calling the REST route PATCH kanban/{id}/items leads to a DB error
    request #10960 Messages submitted to a mailing list through the web UI does not have a body
    request #10961 Reply by mail with a token based mail gateway does not work
    request #10962 Last Git push project widget does not display pushes of the first week of 2018
