      request #10656 tuleap-snvroot.conf not updated
    Jean-Louis Schricke (mesulog)
    2018-12-31 13:05
    2017-09-15 10:56
    tuleap-snvroot.conf not updated
    It seems that, since update to Tuleap, the file /etc/httpd/conf.d/tuleap-snvroot.conf is not updated when creating new project.

    The result is that SVN cannot be used for these projects.
    CentOS 6
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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2018-12-31 13:05
    • Status changed from Waiting for information to Closed
    • Close date set to 2018-12-31
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    I upgrade to Tuleap 9.13 and I just did your suggestion (remove tuleap-snvroot.conf file).
    The /etc/httpd/conf.d/tuleap-snvroot.conf file was successfully recreated.

    User avatar
    Could you please try to rename the file tuleap-snvroot.conf, something like:

    mv /etc/httpd/conf.d/tuleap-snvroot.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/tuleap-snvroot.conf.backup

    Then wait for system check event to be launched (it is automatically launched every 30 minutes). Check that the event is done in the system events interface. Has the file been regenerated?
    User avatar
    Nicolas, please find below the requested information :

    # ------------------ EDIT THE CORRECT FILE -------------------------
    # This file is copied to /etc/cron.d/codendi from
    # /usr/share/codendi/src/utils/cron.d/codendi when the codendi service is started via its
    # init.d script and the file /etc/cron.d/codendi is removed when the
    # service is stopped. Therefore any edits made directly to
    # /etc/cron.d/codendi will be lost anytime the codendi service
    # restarts.
    # To make changes edit the master copy /usr/share/codendi/src/utils/cron.d/codendi and then
    # restart the service to pick up the changes (/sbin/service codendi restart).
    # The reason this is done this way is because the codendi cron jobs
    # should only be invoked if the codendi service is enabled and not
    # just as a consequence of installing the rpm as was the case
    # previously. The file /etc/cron.d/codendi cannot simply be linked to
    # the master copy in /usr/share/codendi/src/utils/cron.d/codendi because for security reasons cron
    # will not process crontab files that are links or writeable by
    # anybody else but root, thus the file must be copied into /etc/cron.d
    # with the right ownership and permissions.

    # The launch of the tasks is randomized to avoid high load on servers running multiple Tuleap instances
    # Tasks expected to be launched at specific moment are started within a half four (1799 seconds) of the expected time

    # Tuleap root

    # Once a minute, process Tuleap system events
    * * * * * root php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,59));' && (cd /usr/share/codendi/src/utils; ./php-launcher.sh ./process_system_events.php default)
    * * * * * codendiadm php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,59));' && (cd /usr/share/codendi/src/utils; ./php-launcher.sh ./process_system_events.php fts)
    * * * * * codendiadm php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,59));' && (cd /usr/share/codendi/src/utils; ./php-launcher.sh ./process_system_events.php tv3_tv5_migration)
    * * * * * codendiadm php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,59));' && (cd /usr/share/codendi/src/utils; ./php-launcher.sh ./process_system_events.php git)
    * * * * * codendiadm php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,59));' && (cd /usr/share/codendi/src/utils; ./php-launcher.sh ./process_system_events.php grokmirror)
    * * * * * root php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,59));' && (cd /usr/share/codendi/src/utils; ./php-launcher.sh ./process_system_events.php statistics)

    # Regularly launch a system_check event (e.g. every half-hour)
    0,30 * * * * root php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,1799));' && (cd /usr/share/codendi/src/utils; ./php-launcher.sh ./launch_system_check.php)

    # run the daily statistics script just a little bit after
    # midnight so that it computes stats for the day before
    # Run at 0:30 am
    30 0 * * * root php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,1799));' && /usr/share/codendi/src/utils/compute_all_daily_stats.sh >/dev/null 2>&1

    # run the weekly stats for projects. Run it on Monday morning so that
    # it computes the stats for the week before
    # Run on Monday at 1am
    0 1 * * Mon root php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,1799));' && (cd /usr/share/codendi/src/utils/underworld-root; ./db_project_weekly_metric.pl >/dev/null 2>&1)

    # Delete all files in FTP incoming that are older than 2 weeks (336 hours)
    0 3 * * * root php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,1799));' && /usr/sbin/tmpwatch -m -f 336 /var/lib/codendi/ftp/incoming

    # Delete all forumml files older than 24 hours
    45 20 * * * root php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,1799));' && (test -d /var/run/forumml && /usr/sbin/tmpwatch -f 24 /var/run/forumml)

    # Codendiadm

    # Daily Tuleap PHP cron (obsolete documents...)
    10 0 * * * codendiadm php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,1799));' && /usr/share/codendi/src/utils/php-launcher.sh /usr/share/codendi/src/utils/codendi_daily.php

    # Ask plugins if they have something to execute each minute
    * * * * * codendiadm php -r 'sleep(mt_rand(0,59));' && (cd /usr/share/codendi/src/utils; ./php-launcher.sh ./process_cron_job_for_plugins.php)
    User avatar
    We have created a new project today and I confirm that the problem is confirmed (for us) in Tuleap 9.12
    User avatar
    I have upgraded today my Tuleap version to 9.12.

    I let you know if this problem is stil alive when I create a new project.
    User avatar
    Thank you for your answer.
    I think my following question is independent from this post.

    >> How can I be proceed to only update to stable version of Tuleap ?
    User avatar
    9.10 and 9.11 are stable versions. 9.11.99.x are development versions : for the upcoming 9.12, we have more than 148 intermediate minor versions; ≃ 7 versions per open days, that is why I chose the term "old" :) That said, if a bug is encountered on a minor version like 9.11.99.x, then you should first update to the latest version to be sure that the bug has not already been caught and fixed.

    I am not aware of recent significant changes on Subversion. You may have to check that your system events are ok.
    User avatar
    May be version is quite old (14 days).
    But previous version 9.10 is older and I didn't face this problem.

    Any change on Subversion between 9.10 and 9.11 ?
    User avatar
    Hi, please update to latest Tuleap version. is quite old.

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