Original Submission The container docker Tuleap starts well the first time.
At the restart of the container, Tuleap no longer works: issues # 35, # 33 ...
After several tests, I fixed the problem as follows:
1) - for Mysql: modification of the my.cnf file located in /data/etc :
Indeed the paths point by default in / var / lib / mysql at the restart of the container: the sources tuleap-bin.000 ***, directory tuleap, ... are not present and the server mysql can not start.
The default mysql.sock in persistent data /data/lib/mysql/mysql.sock does not seem to work for docking, or replacing the socket in /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
2) Once the mysql problem is fixed, it's apache's turn.
Similar concern, the system expects confs at /etc/httpd/conf and /etc/httpd/conf.d, by default these reboot directories no longer exist.
The "wrongdoers": boot-fixpath.sh
[-d /etc/httpd/conf] && rm -rf /etc/httpd/conf
[-d /etc/httpd/conf.d] && rm -rf /etc/httpd/conf.d
with errors on symbolic links already created
cd /etc/pki/tls/private
ln -s /data/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key localhost.key
=> it would have been nice to test the existence of these symbolic links to avoid errors
The instructions following these errors are therefore not:
cd /etc/httpd
ln -s /data/etc/httpd/conf conf
ln -s /data/etc/httpd/conf.d conf.d
By moving the instruction before the error, the tuleap container restarts and everything works.
Based on my analysis, if you could incorporate permanent fixes into your future shipments on the docker hub, this would allow everyone to test and use Tuleap stably with docker.
Thank you Best regards