    story #11104 specify how to monitor trackers
tracker user
specify how to monitor trackers

I can get an insane amount of spam

As a regular user on a tracker,

  • When I'm on a tracker report view I can get access to "Notification" menu in action bar.
  • Then I click on it and I have a section with a radio where with following options
    • No notifications at all
    • No global notifications (default)
    • Notify me when artifacts are created
    • Notify me on every change
  • Whenever I switch from no global notif to something else, I'm added in a new global notification with permissions checked
    • If a tracker admin un-check "check permissions" for a given user, this user will be able to switch between "Notify me when artifacts are created"  and "Notify me on every change", without changing "check permissions" status
    • However if user switch to "No global notifications", check permissions perference is reset so a futur change will be "With permissions checked"
  • When I switch to "No notifications at all"
    • I no longer receive any notification from this tracker (like when I unsubscribe from artifacts)
    • I'm removed from existing "global notifications" that might have been set by tracker admin
    • Tracker admin can no longer add me directly in global notifications
    • If I'm part of a group that is set in global notifications, I won't receive notifications (tracker admin won't be informed about that)
    • The only exception is usage of direct email address (instead of user): no verification is set on email.
    • "No notifications" people are also listed to tracker admins

As a tracker admin

  • In the "global monitoring" section
  • I get the ususal notification list with 1 people per line (it's not possible to distinguish people who susbscribed themselves and those who were subscribed by a tracker admin)
  • I don't see the "radio button list"
  • I can add and remove users from the unsubscribers list

Technically speaking it's like adding someone to the list of global email notification with:

  • Permissions checked
  • Notify at each update


Patricia Carrasco (pcar), Emilio Palmiero (empa), Stephan Bill (stephanbill)
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2018-04-24 16:55
2018-02-05 16:33

Referencing story #11104

Git commit


Move tracker notification settings management outside of the Tracker class 8b135fe613
Separate the display of the tracker notifications settings from the update 98753a30b6
Tracker notifications settings page only display actions available to the user 048453e78b
Users can be added to a DB table to ignore all notifications of a tracker bbcd5b7c6f
Users having unsubscribed from notifications are listed to tracker administrators 0ee878514f
Users can see in which notification mode they are for a tracker 86b78d98a7
Users can change of notification mode for a tracker b22b23653f
Tracker administrators can remove users from the unsubscribers list 3898357513
We can not add to tracker global notifications someone having unsubscribed from notifications 9f617d00eb
Tracker administrators can unsubcribe users 33eaf10460
Tracker administrators can update their notification settings the same way than regular users c33af4a0fc
Missing translation on the delete action of the tracker unsubscriber list fd8cb5cfd9
Try to make more obvious that the 'No global notif' is the tracker default mode 7e0d3e9972


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Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2018-04-23 16:57
Reopening to add the possibility to tracker administrators to add users to the "unsubscriber" list.

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Patricia, Stephan,

The story is now completed, feel free to test on your end (feature freeze is due tomorrow).

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When I select "no global notifications", does also this mean I will not receive notifications for artifacts that I am the submitter or for which I entered a follow-up comment?

If an admin enters project members into global email notifications, but a user selects "no global notifications" for his preferences, will I still get notifications since I am a project member? in other words, is there a way for a regular user to completely turn off notifications for a tracker?
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  • CC list set to Stephan Bill (stephanbill), Patricia Carrasco (pcar), Emilio Palmiero (empa)
  • Permissions set to