As a regular user on a tracker,
- When I'm on a tracker report view I can get access to "Notification" menu in action bar.
- Then I click on it and I have a section with a radio where with following options
- No notifications at all
- No global notifications (default)
- Notify me when artifacts are created
- Notify me on every change
- Whenever I switch from no global notif to something else, I'm added in a new global notification with permissions checked
- If a tracker admin un-check "check permissions" for a given user, this user will be able to switch between "Notify me when artifacts are created" and "Notify me on every change", without changing "check permissions" status
- However if user switch to "No global notifications", check permissions perference is reset so a futur change will be "With permissions checked"
- When I switch to "No notifications at all"
- I no longer receive any notification from this tracker (like when I unsubscribe from artifacts)
- I'm removed from existing "global notifications" that might have been set by tracker admin
- Tracker admin can no longer add me directly in global notifications
- If I'm part of a group that is set in global notifications, I won't receive notifications (tracker admin won't be informed about that)
- The only exception is usage of direct email address (instead of user): no verification is set on email.
- "No notifications" people are also listed to tracker admins
As a tracker admin
- In the "global monitoring" section
- I get the ususal notification list with 1 people per line (it's not possible to distinguish people who susbscribed themselves and those who were subscribed by a tracker admin)
- I don't see the "radio button list"
- I can add and remove users from the unsubscribers list
Technically speaking it's like adding someone to the list of global email notification with:
- Permissions checked
- Notify at each update