Original Submission see the story in attachments.
Current state:
This is a major defect in UX/UI, and is very annoying when trying to onboard new users to Tuleap.
What is happening?! Consider selectbox fields connected through "Manage field dependencies".
Example I'm showing is for Scrum estimation fields: "Value", "Difficulty", "Score" and "Earnable" configured as selectboxes with static values (0,1,2,3...). In trackers "Manage field dependencies" the dependencies are set.
The dependencies for "Value", "Difficulty" and "Score result in only one possible value for each static fields combination.
The final dependency between "Score" and "Earnable" results in 2 values (see attachment 01). Either in non-zero Earnable numeric value (when artifact is open) or zero when closed upon work completion (i.e. there is nothing to earn when work is done).
01) GOOD: When submitting new artifact from TRACKER and setting "Value" and "Difficulty", the Earnable is correctly populated with a non-zero value (see attachment 02). The are correctly only 2 possible values in Earnable (attachment 03)
02) DEFECT: When submitting new artifact from BACKLOG MODAL and setting "Value" and "Difficulty", the Earnable is always wrongly populated with a "None" value (see attachment 04). The are wrongly 3 possible values in Earnable (attachment 05)
Desired state:
Remove default "None" from selectboxes in Modal window.