      request #13060 TLP should match components available in Figma
    Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean)
    2022-03-22 09:45
    2019-03-01 14:27
    TLP should match components available in Figma

    TLP needs a small lifting to match mockups made for epic #16204 :

    • Outlined buttons, that are secondary actions, stand out too much, especially in table row
    • Box-shadows for dropdown, popovers need to be reworked
    • Radiuses should be homogenized
    • Dimmed color shoud be theme variant dependent
    • Badge outlines should have a light background
    • Tooltip should have a transition delay
    • Popover should have a transition delay
    • H1 and H2 colors should be theme dependent
    • H1 should be smaller
    • Inactive tabs should be dimmed? (to be discussed)
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Referencing request #13060

    Git commit


    New TLP outline button style dffa09322e
    Merge commit 'refs/changes/19/15919/4' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 55caf889ff
    request #13060: $tlp-ui-dimmed should be theme dependent 303af81cac
    Merge commit 'refs/changes/12/15912/1' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 4528959c7f
    request #13060: tooltips and popovers should have delay e9c5e8a05c
    Merge commit 'refs/changes/45/15945/1' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 1d6695186c
    request #13060: dimmed inactive tlp-tabs 531c074205
    Merge commit 'refs/changes/11/15911/2' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 1296dbf044
    request #13060: H1 and H2 lifting 88f354c8bd
    Merge commit 'refs/changes/20/15920/3' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD f63837af5f
    request #13060: enhance TLP badges readability 752d77c3f2
    Merge commit 'refs/changes/67/15967/1' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD f8549558f0
    request #13060: dimmed inactive tlp-tabs, "FlamingParrot Edition" 9acc7433cd
    Base some colors on theme color instead of grey shades b8294a2dd0
    Set line-height for H1 and H2 abdadbd2aa
    tlp-button-secondary without tlp-button-outline is now avoided 511ed903a2
    TLP tooltip background should be the same as the sidebar 1d8c470429
    Update dropdowns style c1941ac7fd
    Homogenize border radiuses everywhere in Tuleap 14667a1c1c
    Homogenize and simplify empty states 25392c3259
    Homogenize empty states of ForumML plugins 5dc90d4e04
    Homogenize empty states of FRS and Git plugins d29fb27193
    Homogenize empty states of Document and Bugzilla plugins ca59d013c8
    Homogenize empty states of Program management and Pull requests plugins 6876b0355c
    Homogenize empty states of Labels, OIC Client and Project milestones plugins b6d884de2a
    Homogenize empty states of Roadmap, SVN, Taskboard plugins 213aee0757
    Homogenize empty states of TTM, Testplan and Tracker plugins 9ac8500437
    Correct testplan cypress fail fa942ed1b6
    Homogenize empty states of core pages 9f05831a08
    Homogenize shadows everywhere a23aca9fdb
    Use main color for TLP switch 3b5546cc24
    TLP Tabs 672af1f5c1
    Fix extra spacing introduced by the new tlp tabs d6d6a70863
    Update Dropdowns, tabs and bredacrumb menu items c7b24df10f
    Bootstrap dropdown-menu should match BP style even if it's not in nav tabs. 5efe34330c
    Fix select and search fields background position and rendering e444f58099
    Enhance TLP modals look'n'feel b456970ff1
    chore: remove unused item-header-class prop 551fa83510
    Homogenize hover states 97bc5d6bab
    Enhance TLP modals look'n'feel 08cdb0bd90
    Homogenize border radiuses everywhere in Tuleap 9d792ff562
    Homogenize border radiuses everywhere in Tuleap 58cf6c3743
    Homogenize border radiuses everywhere in Tuleap 7ea1b9d6b8
    Enhance TLP modals look'n'feel ba7745223a
    Enhance TLP modals look'n'feel 37d3de297d
    Enhance TLP modals look'n'feel c06f1a08d9
    Enhance TLP modals look'n'feel a49bb1b3d7


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    • Summary
      -TLP lifting 
      +TLP should match components available in Figma 
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