    story #14670 display a site wide banner (motd)
site administrator
display a site wide banner (motd)

I can inform users about upcoming events

More or less the same thing that Project Banner

All mockups : https://www.figma.com/file/q9hUV9GHuCVmIOCZRzcPqp/MOTD?node-id=0%3A1

As for project banner:

  • The banner is limited to 1 line (no multiline) and limited formatting (bold, italic, links). It's pure html with only bold, italic and links (ckeditor for project admin).

    • When there are several lines in the motd, a click on the banner expands to show the whole text.

  • The banner history is not kept

  • The banner can be changed with REST API

  • End users can collapse messages

    • When message changes, the banner is automatically expanded again

The site wide banner has an "importance" that can be used to weight messages




  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2020-11-13 14:01
2020-03-10 17:15



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Adjusting AC to mockup (standard importance message is not displayed with sidebar background color).

  • Acceptance criteria
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
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  • Acceptance criteria
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  • Status changed from Ready (stalled) to On going
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  • Acceptance criteria
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  • Acceptance criteria
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  • So that
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
  • Acceptance criteria
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes