Nicolas Terray (nterray)2020-09-16 16:45 Hi Aurélien, You are right, a changeset is under review to address this issue. See gerrit #20209 for more details.
Aurélien Tisné (atisne)2020-09-16 10:57 Hi, What's your position regarding the use of 'account_suspended message' instead of 'include_session account_suspended' (in src/common/User/StatusSuspendedException.class.php)? This could avoid the need of our overload (that instructs users what to do when its account is suspended).
Aurélien Tisné (atisne)2020-07-02 18:12 We overloaded the .tab in /etc/site-content/en_US/include/ with include_session account_suspended Account Suspended. Please contact the support team at support_outil at
Nicolas Terray (nterray)2020-07-02 18:05 Could you please describe what customizations you made to include_session/account_suspended?
Aurélien Tisné (atisne)2020-07-02 15:21 Hi, We customize the string 'include_session account_suspended' adding instructions for suspended users. If I well understood, this customization will be lost. Maybe, we could use the same message ('account_suspended message') defined into 'site-content/fr_FR/account/'.
Nicolas Terray (nterray)2020-06-16 15:09 gerrit #19246 integrated into Tuleap Status changed from Under implementation to ClosedConnected artifacts Added Fixed in: rel #14816Close date set to 2020-06-16
Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2020-06-12 15:32 gerrit #19223 integrated into Tuleap Summary -Identifiy overridable strings with getOverridableText() +Identify overridable strings with getOverridableText()
Nicolas Terray (nterray)2020-06-12 12:53Category changed from gettext / i18n to Translation / gettext / i18n