The idea is to remove the "help" dropdown in the top menu by the floating button.
All value available in the "help" dropdown will be available in the floating button.
A "What's new?" value will be added. The URL will be built with the Tuleap version and will lead to the corresponding Tuleap release note on
For instance if Tuleap version is 11.16, the URL will be
It is possible to customise that URL at each upgrade, that means that the upgrade ovrewrites the URL. So, it is possible to change it particularly for platforms that have no internet access.
The floating button will work that way :
- if Tuleap has been upgraded :
- the floating button will be visible (with a yellow star, see codepen)
- the "What's new?" is highlighted
- if the user has already clicked on the star and on what's new? after an upgrade:
- the floating button becomes less visible (with a "?", see codepen)
- the "What's new?" won't be highlight anymore