      request #20152 Do row or title clickable in report
    Jérôme Averty (javerty)
    2021-04-07 17:32
    2021-03-29 17:33
    Do row or title clickable in report

    In a report, the clickable areas to open the artifact are only the icon and the artifact id. In other In other similar interfaces the titles are also clickable. We often click on the name of the assignee or submitter.

    Would it be possible to make the whole row or at least the field considered as title clickable at the level of the semantic ?

    EL7 (CentOS|RHEL)
    • [x] enhancement
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    Hi, Making the title clickable would be a good solution, probably less expensive than the row.

    It's not totaly a randomly click in the middle of the page to jump to the artifact because in Tuleap's interface, when you slide above an artefact, the entire row change color. The user know what he select. If you change the mouse pointer too, the user would know he can click to jump to the artefact.

    But on a technical level it is undoubtedly more complicated, more risky in terms of tolerance by browsers and there would be difficulties for already clickable fields such as the name of a user, links etc ...

    Bests Regards, Jérôme

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    The whole row is not a good idea as it would make random click in the middle of the page to go the artifact. The title makes more sense to me granted it would behaves the same way as artifact id (that hold the link too)

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