      request #20916 Extract TLP stylesheets as a standalone framework
    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    2021-04-30 17:31
    2021-04-12 16:03
    Extract TLP stylesheets as a standalone framework


    As of today the design framework for Tuleap is only internal. There is no practical way to re-use it outside the sources of Tuleap.

    However there are few situations where it would make sense to re-use Tuleap design outside Tuleap context:

    • Having standalone documentation (for instance integrated in https://docs.tuleap.org)
    • Used for a 3rd party app skin (Mediawiki for instance)

    This requests aims to centralize the thoughts and steps toward this.

    General approach

    At this stage, only style sheets are considered in order to:

    • limit the scope
    • learn how to do it

    The publication will be handled manually, the version will be the tuleap version and the rhythm of update will be driven by the theme updates (not the tuleap versions). Even if there are slightly different rendering, it's not worth the trouble to take into account a continuous upgrade.


    1. Fix sass variable dependency in existing code
    2. Move style sheet build into dedicated component that generates
    • style sheets with code
    • MxN style sheets per theme colors + condensed mode
    1. Extract tlp css stylesheet into @tuleap/tlp-style on npm
    2. Publish with tuleap version eg @tuleap/tlp-style-12.8
    • License: GPLv2+
    • Release guidelines are in a Readme.md in @tuleap/tlp-style
    • Every release should be considered as major (as per semver)

    The TLP documentation will be provided as a tarball on demand.

    • [x] enhancement
    • [x] internal improvement
    References list is empty


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    Joris MASSON (jmasson)2021-04-30 17:31

    Publish with tuleap version eg @tuleap/tlp-style-12.8

    I suggest using a "pre-release" string like 1.0.0-Tuleap12.8. That way if we change our mind one day and decide to release according to semver, we can publish a version 1.0.0. According to the spec [0] it matches the "pre-release" format, so 1.0.0-Tuleap<whatever version> is always < 1.0.0. 1.0.0-Tuleap12.8 should also be < 1.0.0-Tuleap12.9 according to the spec's order of precedence [1]

    [0] https://semver.org/#spec-item-9 [1] https://semver.org/#spec-item-11

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    • Summary
      -Extract TLP as a standalone framework 
      +Extract TLP stylesheets as a standalone framework 
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