      request #22204 ForgeUpgrade should exit with an error exit code on failure
    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
    2021-07-08 10:03
    2021-07-07 09:15
    ForgeUpgrade should exit with an error exit code on failure

    When a bucket cannot be applied, ForgeUpgrade should exit with a exit code different than 0 to signal the issue. Currently when you execute it in automated way (Docker images, Ansible deployments...) an error is easy to miss and you cannot stop on failure.

    Docker images
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)


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    Not exactly sure to see what you have in mind, we are a bit forced to run the migrations in order since some implicit dependencies might exist between them no?

    Sorry, I miss read the code, I was looking at the "force" part and thought it was not wise to continue the bucket execution. But as it's force...

    • Status changed from Under review to Closed
    • Close date set to 2021-07-08
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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2021-07-08 09:59

    Shouldn't we change the evaluation strategy and have a fail fast approach to avoid queuing mess on top of a pile of poo ?

    Not exactly sure to see what you have in mind, we are a bit forced to run the migrations in order since some implicit dependencies might exist between them no?

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    gerrit #23332 integrated in Tuleap

    Shouldn't we change the evaluation strategy and have a fail fast approach to avoid queuing mess on top of a pile of poo ?

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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2021-07-07 10:49

    • Summary
      -ForgeUpgrade should exist with an error exit code on failure 
      +ForgeUpgrade should exit with an error exit code on failure 
    • Status changed from Verified to Under review