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    story #22213 get a document with basic fields
get a document with basic fields


This story put in place the whole technical mecanism for document generation out of a tracker report. Regarding the artifacts, only the basic fields are taken into account to limit as much as possible the difficulties related to the conversion from Tuleap format to OpenDocument (docx).


Covered fields

  • Artifact ID
  • Per tracker ID
  • String
  • Date
  • Last update date
  • Submitted on
  • Float
  • Integer
  • Computed value
  • Rank

Fields are covered for both "Report" and "Artifacts" section below


The generated document will have the following structure:

    1. Title: Platform name - Project name - Tracker name - Report name
    • Date of the export
    • Who did the export
    • URL of the report
    1. Table of contents
    1. Artifacts
    • 4.1 <tracker_shortname> #<artifact_id_1> <artifact_title_1>
Field Value
field 1 value 1
field 2 value 2
... ...
  • 4.2 ...

Pseudo example with Request tracker in markdown to understand the structure:

(note: tables for field list/values are not rendered here so it's "mockup" with lists)

# 1. Tuleap - Tuleap - Requests - Default

* Export date: 2021-07-08
* Exported by: Manuel Vacelet (@vaceletm)
* Tracker URL: https://tuleap.net/plugins/tracker/?tracker=140

## 1.1 Table of contents

1. Tuleap - Tuleap - Requests - Default
  1.1 Table of contents
  1.2 Artifacts
    1.2.1 request #22209 Introduce a basic HEALTHCHECK directive in production Docker images
    1.2.2 request #22208 document, lock update is not up to date when user lock/unlock item

## 1.2 Artifacts

### 1.2.1 request #22209 Introduce a basic HEALTHCHECK directive in production Docker images

| Field            | Value                                                               |
| ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Artifact ID      | 22209                                                               |
| Last Modified On | 2021-07-08 17:27                                                    |
| Submitted on     | 2021-07-08 09:26                                                    |
| Rank             | 23374                                                               |
| Summary          | Introduce a basic HEALTHCHECK directive in production Docker images |
| Disclosure date  |                                                                     |
| Close date       | 2021-07-08                                                          |

### 1.2.2 request #22208 document, lock update is not up to date when user lock/unlock item


Document properties

  • Artifacts are one after another (no page break)
  • There is a table of contents
  • Pages are numbered
  • Titles have numbers
  • Basic header/footer formatting (to be defined)
  • Basic cover page
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2021-08-05 14:18
2021-07-08 13:31

Referencing story #22213

Git commit


Create empty document_generation plugin a05cdfde26
Limit concurrency when using @tuleap/tlp.fetch::recursiveGet 516898a1b3
Display generate document button to authenticated users 575ee11555
[feature] Create document with only artifact IDs 1ae033cdda
Do not load the whole code used to generate the documents on each report pages 9a3d87a52b
[tech] create intermediate representation of artifact field value 8ee7d103a2
Inject the function doing the transformation of the document to the DOCX format as a dependency c7cc1f0e70
[feature] Add title for each exported artifact 4bfc8ea640
Add a TOC to the generated document 4bc00dd517
[feature] Add tracker shortname in artifact titles a3255b048c
Add the document generation plugin to the TEE dev Docker image 14349cf442
Unsaved report changes are taken into account when generating the export document 1d8232e275
[feature] Add string fields in exported document ac2e42e35d
Set the name of downloaded document instead of letting the browser choose it 43e9d5ad44
Prefill the table of contents of the generated document 1a7432ad77
[feature] Add field values in a table d1ef956cf7
[feature] Deal with numeric fields 9c676c9897
Insert a pageref element for each line of the TOC ec2c919317
[feature] Deal with computed field 51b399c7d1
[feature] First step of table content styling 72796541f1
[feature] Continue styling of table content b25b2a311b
Add global information to the generated document 1f56ba08f0
[feature] Deal with date fields 1ec529b2d9
Only request unsaved changes of a report when needed a1416349a2
Main titles of the exported document are numbered af0378e121
Add a minimal loading state while generating the document f184669d06
Make sure the generation of the docx document does not crash c359a634dd
Date fields are exported in the generated document with their time value if needed a469731140
The tables with the fields content are not displayed correctly on Google Docs a51f9eaa41
Install dependencies of tlp-fetch lib cca519aa97


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