So that I have only one place to look at when people come and go on my project
Acceptance criteria /!\ all users below must be "LDAP" users /!\
Given I have for mozilla/firefox.git repository:
| Read | project_members
| Write | developers
| Rewind | project_admins
When I add 'toto' to Tuleap project members
Then, On Gerrit, 'toto' is member of mozilla-firefox-contributors
When I grant project_admin right to 'toto' on Tuleap
Then, On Gerrit, 'toto' is member of mozilla-firefox-supermen and mozilla-firefox-owners
When I remove 'toto' from project_members
Then, On Gerrit, 'toto' is no longer member of mozilla-firefox-contributors, mozilla-firefox-supermen, mozilla-firefox-owners
When I add 'titi' to developers
Then, On Gerrit, 'titi' is member of mozilla-firefox-integrators
When I add 'tata', restricted user to developers ('tata' is project_member)
Then, On Gerrit, 'tata' is added as member of mozilla-firefox-integrators
When I add 'tata', restricted user to developers ('tata' is NOT project_member)
Then, On Gerrit, 'tata' is NOT added as member of mozilla-firefox-integrators
Given 'gnu' as private project with 'emacs' git repository and same permissions than mozilla/firefox.git
When I add 'tutu' to developers ('tutu' is project_member)
Then, On Gerrit, 'tutu' is added as member of gnu-emacs-integrators
When I add 'tutu' to developers ('tutu' is NOT project_member)
Then, On Gerrit, 'tutu' is NOT added as member of gnu-emacs-integrators