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      request #32627 In Link field artifact creation form, clearing the trackers or project list will select the first enabled value
    Joris MASSON (jmasson)
    2023-06-21 16:11
    2023-06-21 12:21
    In Link field artifact creation form, clearing the trackers or project list will select the first enabled value

    In the Artifact links field of the Artifact modal, after selecting the "Create a new artifact" option, in the inline form, there is a problem with the two list-pickers. If I choose a Tracker and then I click on the "cross" icon on the right of the selection (to clear the selection), the list-picker will look visually empty (without selection) but the underlying <select> element will have a value. Its value will be the first possible, non-disabled, <option>. The code will then proceed and act like there is a Tracker selected when, for a human, there should not be any Tracker selected.

    The same problem exists on the Projects list-picker, but is less of an issue, because the Project is only a way to select a Tracker. Only the Tracker is really required for the form.

    To fix this problem, it turns out you need to add a special empty option <option value=""></option>. Even when the <select> is required, this empty option will be selected when clearing the selection. The list-picker (correctly) does not show it in the dropdown. The code should then adjust to this "empty value" and react accordingly.

    This is linked to request #32318 but in the specific corner of the Artifact modal

    Agile Dashboard
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Joris MASSON (jmasson)


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    Joris MASSON (jmasson)2023-06-21 12:21
    • Original Submission
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