      request #36832 RPC failed http 413 curl 22 the requested url returned error 413
    Charbel Melhem (c.melhem)
    2024-03-05 09:58
    2024-02-16 12:33
    RPC failed http 413 curl 22 the requested url returned error 413

    In my project, I have a branch with multiple CAD files. When the branch was pushed, the following error was occurring:

    RPC failed http 413 curl 22 the requested url returned error 413

    After some research, I found out that this error can be provoked by a file size limitation. At first I tried to use GIT LFS plugin and set the max file size to 1024 MB in the plugin configuration. However the error remained and therefore I tried to increase the client_max_body_size to 1024 MB and it still did not work.

    I noticed that Tuleap had git configuration file under etc/nginx/conf.d/tuleap-plugins and also changed the client_max_body_size but this did not work also. I am sure that our files do not exceed 1024 MB and we also run the following command:

    git bundle create foo.bundle ^origin/master master

    which returns the size of the bundle sent to the git server. The bundle was around 350 MB. Does the Git plugin used in tuleap have a default file size limit or bundle size limit? If so, how can it be changed? Pushing up to 140 MB was working well but what if I need to push larger files.

    EL9 (RockyLinux|AlmaLinux|RHEL)
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
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    There is no max size over LFS. The only limitation you can have is the HTTP limitation of your nginx server.

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    Does the Git plugin used in tuleap have a default file size limit or bundle size limit? If so, how can it be changed? Pushing up to 140 MB was working well but what if I need to push larger files.