    story #37542 display a read only Document
display a read only Document
  • Have a brand new plugin (can be restricted per project)
  • In Document, there is a new entry to create a new ArtifactsAsDocument
  • Create a new ArtifactsAsDocument (without specific configuration: Title, Description, Permission)
    • Empty document => Tumble weed + text
  • The content of the ArtifactsAsDocument is forged directly in the database
  • Display of Sections with numbering
  • Display of table of contents
On going
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2024-04-12 11:01
2024-03-28 15:17

Referencing story #37542

Git commit


Introduce Artidoc Plugin 217766b477
feat: Introduce ArtidocDocument 7c3071139a
feat: First display of ArtidocDocument 1d87322f7e
chore: Fix composer warning 0b9a630ba9
feat: introduce GET /artidoc/:id/sections 55d3887eb4
feat: Add empty state view e9af29bcdb
docs: 👥 Add Chloé Masoni as current contributors 🎉 830ae3eb0d
feat: project background for artidoc 26ed34b26a
feat: Simplify result for GET /artidoc/:id/sections d256254bd2
feat: ability to search against artidoc documents b1b3ef4907
feat: Do not display artidoc in legacy docman ui 049ce9a22e
feat: ignore artidoc documents during project export 1e709feacd
feat: Send post_processed_value for text fields 35162df65f
feat: display document sections list 80f07dc507
feat: use post_processed_value to display sections 857c5947fd
feat: introduce fa-tlp-artidoc icon eb48df044c
feat: add table of contents e7f1d790e1
feat: breadcrumbs for artidoc bc8ea34d57
feat: Switch icon color to Peggy Pink 7e458a0468
feat: add no access view 615ac7374b
fix: white space in TOC 1579fa9bb9
feat: Allow to cut/paste an artidoc b3d5005e80
feat: add artifact id in section title fd5bcff020
fix: Add missing parameter to OPTIONS /artidoc/:id 20fe9be24d
fix: wrong order of sections 5bcd0a002f
feat: Display artidoc icon in quicklook fdb80eadae
chore: mark .tlp-illustration* as deprecated 3bb9e46701
fix: Document tree should not crash if no artidoc 812e8ff20b
feat: Add instrumentation about artidoc access 888b419e0c
chore: remove .tlp-illustration-primary-{fill,stroke} d5e9798495
feat: Copy/paste artidoc document ff27b30c25
feat: add skeleton on load 408537f404
feat: Update metadata of an artidoc 39c85e7d55
feat: Display link to artidoc document db49a1e305
fix: do not cut the artidoc icon in quicklook be34cd293c
feat: Add CTA in quicklook for artidoc document a469e90ad8
feat: display xref tooltips on artidoc c99a4f9fd5
feat: table of contents on mobile view 2076f61947
feat: remove (un)lock, new version for artidoc 609db064a5
fix: remove superfuous margin in section title 446c818a24
feat: Do not list artidoc in tree if not allowed 0e483ea9bc
feat: remove notifs, logs, and approval for artidoc d96333c659
refactor: padding on toc instead of layout d364768a0f
feat: Add index on rank in artidoc table 0828e3ffb7
feat: scroll to anchored section after they are loaded a46f7c4fea
feat: Ability to delete an artidoc document 63a146d7ae
feat: Introduce PUT artidoc/:id/sections 25da9d7a2f
fix: adjust styles of artidoc 292e462b10
feat: User can now create a new artidoc 42656c04d1


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  • Acceptance criteria
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes