Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-05-23 16:07 cf gerrit #31063 Connected artifacts Added Fixed in: rel #36799
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-05-23 16:04Summary -Docker Desktop mapping ports +Allow usage of Docker Desktop for development Status changed from New to Under implementation
Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-04-30 11:43 Ideally: this should be done only when the usage of Docker Desktop is detected the ports should be exposed only on localhost and not to the whole world (current setup for macOS might have this issue, I think the way the port binding is handled has been modified since the moment we wrote the compose file): Docker does not care about firewalls when exposing ports and I would really like to not expose by dev stack to everything and everyone :p
Benoit Peytraud (bpeytraud)2024-04-30 11:20 On macOS of course but not on Linux. Do you have something like this on Linux ? If not, we need to make the changes on Linux.
Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-04-30 10:58 It is kinda already done when working on macOS: