    story #38648 Choose my own columns based on semantics and always there fields
Choose my own columns based on semantics and always there fields

The TQL grammar is extended with a SELECT keyword that precedes the previously existing "filtering" conditions. I can write several field names (separated by commas ,) from the selected trackers.

SELECT is optional (to maintain backwards-compatibility of TQL language). When it is absent, the default set of columns is shown: Tracker badge and artifact title, Project label, Status, Last update date, Submitted by, Assigned to.

SELECT @id, @title WHERE @last_update_date > NOW() -1m

The previous example will show two columns @id and @title. Those columns will show the artifact values for always there field artifact id and semantic title.

Allowed semantics:

  • @title
  • @description
  • @status
  • @assigned_to

Allowed always there fields:

  • @submitted_on
  • @last_update_date
  • @submitted_by
  • @last_update_by
  • @id

A given field (for example @id) can only be selected once. For example SELECT @id, @title, @id will raise an error.

Figma mockup: https://www.figma.com/design/oDjT4tC3fDGP5P4JdKfkdE/Columns-choices---ST?node-id=67-21319

Cross tracker search
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Kevin Traini (ktraini)
2024-08-08 16:34
2024-06-27 15:51

Referencing story #38648

Git commit


feat: Validate selected metadata 059b8d354b
feat: Add select builder for title semantic 9cfb962f07
feat: Add select builder for description semantic 4fc52350f4
feat: Add select builder for status semantic 96639771e0
feat: Add select builder for assigned to semantic e42f2789ab
feat: Add select builder for always there fields 88a4e5cc94
fix: Empty XTS query should returns empty result c48d3311c8
feat: Build @title and @description API return d04d3151b6
feat: Build @status API return b547a84e69
feat: Build @assigned_to API return 1282e47f95
feat: Build @submitted_on and @last_update_date API return e90c33d183
feat: Build @submitted_by and @last_update_by API return 7f0fe5e3c0
feat: Build @id API return f377000499
refacto: Move all representation class to the same place 94e22d1fc1
feat: Show translated column names for semantics 71b62976a5
feat: Display User columns: Submitted by, Last update by 081cae31e9
feat: Display user list columns 68ae97f5cd
