Geoffroy Grelot (ggrelot)2019-12-06 11:42 Digging into this theme, I found request #10481 which is more accurate, or has become so ever since.
Nicolas Terray (nterray)2013-11-29 16:29 Actually this refers to the ability to generate graph for Open List. Reopening it. Status changed from Declined to VerifiedClose date cleared
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2013-11-29 15:00 It's a duplicated of bugs #3262. I close this one. Category set to Installation processStatus changed from Acknowledged to DeclinedAssigned to changed from None to Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)Close date set to 2013-11-29
Nicolas Terray (nterray)2013-10-18 14:02 Indeed that would be an interesting enhancement. Status changed from New to AcknowledgedAssigned to set to None