      request #5806 http vs https login and resulting mailman issue
    Martin Hamant (martin-h)
    2014-01-11 09:51
    2013-12-26 11:15
    http vs https login and resulting mailman issue
    When login to Tuleap using http://my-tuleap.website.me directly from the homepage login (ie: not using top-right corner "login" option : https://my-tuleap.website.me/account/login.php ) then mailman URLs are not available - since the configuration file /etc/httpd/conf.d/mailman.conf is not included from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (but it is included from /etc/httpd/conf/ssl.conf).

    The only way to access mailman URLs is https://.

    Note the malfunctioning URLs are mentioned within mailman notifications emails too !

    I think a choice should be made here : either configure the system so Tuleap can only be accessed with https:// links, or review apache configuration files.
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    Yannis ROSSETTO (rossettoy)
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    Hi Yannis and thanks,

    Okay, indeed, as it forces to https, it "solves" the problem for new MLs. But anyway I have a fresh Tuleap 6.8 installation and was able to create a ML for which all 'http' links (http://http://my-tuleap.website.me/mailman/...) led to a 404.

    I now have such a ML which is somehow "broken", as it mention http:// links everywhere.

    Default installation should not permit such things, or Tuleap should be compatible with regular http links.
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    You can actually force Tuleap using SSL. In /etc/codendi/conf/local.inc, you can modify the variable named $sys_force_ssl from 0 to 1.
    Then, restart your apache service.

    Does it resolve your issue ?

    • Status changed from New to Waiting for information
    • Assigned to changed from None to Yannis ROSSETTO (rossettoy)