    Nicolas Terray (nterray)
    20 (2014-06-26 00:00)

    Referencing rel #6687
    Referenced by rel #6687

    Artifact Tracker v5

    story #6932 copy openlist during artifact copy/clone
    story #5756 search in tuleap with a nice interface
    story #6301 reply to a follow-up comment by email
    story #6934 REST: route /users/:id GET
    story #6933 REST: add open/closed to milestones and submilestones
    request #6972 bug: previously hidden fields are now visible and editable for tracker admins
    story #6781 forbid empty commit in svn at platform level
    story #6929 spike: javascript grounds for high performance Planning view
    story #6930 spike: high performance drag'n drop for planning view
    story #7019 Finish story #5756: search with nice interface
    request #7020 I can filter tracker v5 notifications (in body) by project unix name and/or tracker name
    story #7026 Search in all text properties
    story #7029 Manage versions (files and wiki pages) - index only the last one
    story #7031 How are the dates indexed?
    request #7025 Removed outdated programmer-guide
    request #7021 Not possible to give access to trackers to restricted users
    request #6987 deleted trackers are shown in the REST api /trackers/:id
    request #5145 My Artifacts” (V3 Tracker) widget is displayed by default on the users Personal Page
    request #6963 Incorrect error code REST API
    story #7060 Initiate the new ElasticSearch indexation format
    request #7058 Can't submit anymore an artifact if I do not have submit rights on all reuired fields
    request #7049 Workflow:The option "must not be empty" does not work for the field attachements
    request #7012 Improve artifact creation bad data messages
    request #7084 Custom scrolling in child pane scroll parent when it comes to end
    request #7088 Cannot update artifact when a field is mandatory and empty: JS error
    request #6441 Agile dashboard should take artifact status into account
    request #7104 Subversion access control history doesnt manage uppercase repo
    request #6405 Projects names with "&" are not displayed correctly in the Project menu in Experimental UI
