Summary * Gerrit replication housekeeping
Original Submission Hi all,
We noticed several times that Gerrit queue contains an important number of waiting replication job (more than 30 waiting push...). We need to ensure the Tuleap git mirror consistencyas much as possible by implementing something similar to what has been previously done with gitolite admin housekeeping.
For that purpose we need to check if there are replication jobs waiting in gerrit queue via a tiny script that would be processed each 30 minutes, and then if number of waiting jobs is greater than a quota param then we enforce replication using "gerrit replicate" command.
We would add a checkbox for each gerrit server, in order to enable/disable gerrit replication housekeeping and a text field for the maximum number of waiting replication jobs for each connected gerrit server.
Reported in version Empty
Platform Empty
Is an Enhancement or an internal improvement? [x] enhancement[ ] internal improvementCC list Nouha Terzi (terzino), Denis PILAT (denis_pilat), Patrick Renaud (patrick.renaud)