Summary * Issue with trigger set in a parent tracker
Original Submission We have configured a tracker called RT Tickets with a child called RT Tasks. What we are trying to achieve is so that a user cannot set the parent to done before a specific field has been filled with information. We have configured a transition rule in the parent that before the status is set to done a specific field cannot be empty and also a trigger so that when all the children are set to done, the parent is also set to done.
When I try to move all children in the cardwall to done.
Expected: Once I move the last child to done, it should pop up the details window for the parent artifact allowing me to fill that field and submit. **Maybe** if I do not fill that field the child should not be updated and be left in whatever status it was before
Actual outcome: Once I move the last child, I get a pop up for the child detail window (not the parent) which is a bit useless in this case. Then if I submit the child, it will persist whatever changes I made to it but the parent will not set to be done as per the trigger.
Reported in version Empty
Platform Empty
Is an Enhancement or an internal improvement? [ ] enhancement[ ] internal improvementCC list Reza Charghi (rezachar), Emilio Palmiero (empa), Michael Abramov (MichaelAbramov), Isaac Campbell (isaac.campbell)