Message of the day is very useful for displaying important information, but it linger too long at the top of the pages. I would like to hide the MOTD after it has been read, because after a while it is not obvious whether it has changed or not, making me waste time by revisiting links it points to. Here is a possible solution:
Let each user mark the message "read" and have tuleap hide it on a user basis, perhaps with the generally adopted X mark in the upper right corner. It would suffice to just cache the time stamp of the MOTD file, and store a timestamp when the user marked the MOTD as "read". If the user time stamp is less than or equal to the MOTD time stamp, then the message is shown.
I would probably be prudent to add as way to show or bring back the MOTD as well. That would be easy with proposed solution above, by setting the user time stamp equal to the MOTD file time stamp.