    story #8380 have short response time when I load Planning view
scrum user
have short response time when I load Planning view

When I load the planning v2, I don't have spinners that make me wait but data are already there

  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Extract a component from the actual route that is responsible to provide a json:
- v1/milestones/:id
- v2/projects/:id/backlog
- v1/milestones/:id/backlog
- v1/milestones/:id/milestones

Use this object to inject in angular app init() the initial data as json.

Angular app do subsequent calls (starting from page 2) (/!\ offset/limit should be the same between php and js)

-> v2/projects/:id/backlog REST route should be deleted (not public REST route)
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2015-12-03 16:15
2015-08-27 15:42

Referencing story #8380

Git commit


Merge commit 'refs/changes/49/4749/2' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 478a9d226e
story #8380: result of v1/milestones/:id is now injected to the angular init() method e0e0827b4b
Merge commit 'refs/changes/62/4762/5' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into stable f362f6f655
story #8380: results of v1/milestones/:id/milestones and v1/projects/:id/milestones are now injected to the angular init() method bc240f4153
story #8380: v1/milestones/:id/backlog and v1/projects/:id/backlog are now injected to the angular init() method 5bb033228a
Merge commit 'refs/changes/67/4767/2' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 834ce93279
story #8380: fix broken filter 3650afdd78
Merge commit 'refs/changes/72/4772/1' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into stable 785fe1c28f
story #8380: preload is deactivated by default + fix submilestones order 726ea71a76
Missing pagination in /milestones/:id/milestones 8ca6272f15
Inline css dependencies ded731c053


Merge commit 'refs/changes/49/4749/2' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 478a9d226e
story #8380: result of v1/milestones/:id is now injected to the angular init() method e0e0827b4b
Inline css dependencies ded731c053
Missing pagination in /milestones/:id/milestones 8ca6272f15
Merge commit 'refs/changes/72/4772/1' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into stable 785fe1c28f
Merge commit 'refs/changes/67/4767/2' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into HEAD 834ce93279
story #8380: preload is deactivated by default + fix submilestones order 726ea71a76
story #8380: fix broken filter 3650afdd78
Merge commit 'refs/changes/62/4762/5' of ssh://gerrit.tuleap.net:29418/tuleap into stable f362f6f655
story #8380: results of v1/milestones/:id/milestones and v1/projects/:id/milestones are now injected to the angular init() method bc240f4153
story #8380: v1/milestones/:id/backlog and v1/projects/:id/backlog are now injected to the angular init() method 5bb033228a


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  • Technical informations
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
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