      request #8687 Display Initial Effort value for children artifacts in compact view
    Patrick Renaud (patrick.renaud)
    2015-12-15 19:27
    2015-12-09 00:39
    Display Initial Effort value for children artifacts in compact view
    In the compact view of the Agile Dashboard, the Initial Effort value is displayed only for the parent artifact but not for the children artifact.

    Is there a technical reason behind this behavior? If not, can you display the missing information field?
    Agile Dashboard
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    References list is empty


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    Ok I understand.

    In your case the initial effort is part of the card field so the value is already computed so, I agree, in this case there would be no impact on performances at all.

    My concern was the generalisation of this modification, if we add it "by default" on all children elements this might have an impact depending on the way the effort is computed.

    But there is maybe a way to make it customizable (ie being able to avoid this extra computation if it's too heavy) would be to rely on inital effort semantic on the item itself.
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    But Manuel, what we are talking about here is simply to display the Initial Effort field value of the children artifacts when the user expands one parent artifact. I don't understand how unsafe or heavy that can be, as we are referring only to the children of one parent in the backlog, as the user chooses to expand it.

    I attached three screen shots in an attempt to better describe what I am trying to explain.

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    Also, note that in the Detailed View there is already a lore more data to compute in comparison to the Compact View. Other than the performance problem we have with pv2 in general (scroll, drag-drop), do we have a problem with the Detailed View in particular?

    A large part of the slowness we might encounter come from the Detailed View as there is a somewhat linear performance degradation with the amount of things we need to display. This not necessarly due to the backend but more on the front (javascript in browser) being able to deal with too much elements.

    That said, the performance impact of adding the effort in the compact view would be directly connected to how fast this computation can be done. If we have a very deep hierarchy below with a lot of elements and no usage of "fast computation" - ;) - this could have a significant impact.

    Yet, I think this would be a nice addition but I'm not sure how we can add it "safe"

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    You have a point. But it probably would not matter in practice since the extra computing happens only when the user expands a parent artifact, and the processing scope remains limited to that parent artifact only.

    I would be a lot more concerned if this was applicable to the entire backlog. But it is not the case here (I think).

    Also, note that in the Detailed View there is already a lore more data to compute in comparison to the Compact View. Other than the performance problem we have with pv2 in general (scroll, drag-drop), do we have a problem with the Detailed View in particular?
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    AFAICT, the information is not displayed because it's not computed on the backend.

    This could probably be added but might slow down things a bit (more things to compute).