    story #8940 have configurable columns based on natures
have configurable columns based on natures

I can present informations extracted from artifact links.

Example, I can have, in a Bug tracker:

Title         | Status | Reported In
error in load | open   | 8.8, 8.9
cannot reboot | closed | 8.7

Where "Reported In" is a column configured to display artifact link nature "reported_in" with filed "title"

In this case, it means that thtere is a link between bug "error in load" and artifact release "8.8" and artifact release "8.9", etc.

Another example, in a Package tracker:

Package       | Version |          Elements      |       Deployed in   |
PackA         |    V1   | BundleA v1, Bundle2 v1 | New york, Amsterdam |
PackB         |    V2   | BundleC v3             | Paris               |

Where both "Elements" and "Deployed In" columns are built out of artifact link natures:

  • column "Element" corresponds to "has_element" nature, it's configured to display "%title %version" fields from linked artifacts
  • column "Deployed_in" corresponds to "deployed_in" nautre, it's configured to display "%location" field from linked artifact
  • Add column in table report based on natures
  • Can configure the column for the fields to display
    • The configuration is textual (eg. "%title %status") and is based on fields name
    • This configuration is save in DB and session
    • Fields type supported: String, Id, int, float, Select box (no multiselect!)
  • At display time, the value are shown based on column configuration
    • Note: it's a link to the artifact
  • CSV export
    • The textual value is exported (no link)
  • CSV import
    • The field is ignored
  • It's not possible to sort on those columns
  • There is no search criteria based on those columns
  • No change in REST API
  • The XML structure of the report is exported & imported
Nicolas Terray (nterray), Nouha Terzi (terzino), Denis PILAT (denis_pilat), Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean), Marie Ange Garnier (marieange)
  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2016-05-11 09:02
2016-03-04 15:38

Referencing story #8940


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Hi again,

So after discussing it with @vaceletm, we've decided to apply the column format to an artifact only if the it has all the fields specified in the format. For example, for this given format: %title - $status (%version)

  • An artifact with a title field, status field and version field will be formatted
  • An artifact with a title field, no status field and a version field will not be formatted because of the missing status field. It will be display like other cross ref link: tracker_shortname #artfiact_id. A warning will be displayed beside the artifact explaining that the artifact couldn't have been formatted.


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last edited by: Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean) 2016-04-12 16:00


While implementing this feature, I realize that something is wrong or I didn't fully understand the acceptance criteria. I'm referring to this point:

Can configure the column for the fields to display:

  • The configuration is textual (eg. "%title %status") and is based on fields name
  • This configuration is save in DB and session
  • Fields type supported: String, Id, int, float, Select box (no multiselect!)

Let's go further using this example:

Package       | Version |          Elements      |       Deployed in   |
PackA         |    V1   | BundleA v1, Bundle2 v1 | New york, Amsterdam |
PackB         |    V2   | BundleC v3             | Paris               |

In the "Elements" column, user has configured the column to display the "%title" and the "%version". Imagine now that a Product artifact (e.g. product #54) has been linked to PackA using the "has_element" nature. Considering that there's no "%title" field in Product tracker (only "%name" and "%version"): how can product #54 is supposed to be displayed in the column?


  • So that
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
  • Acceptance criteria
    Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
    Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
  • CC list set to Nicolas Terray (nterray), Benjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean), Marie Ange Garnier (marieange), Nouha Terzi (terzino), Denis PILAT (denis_pilat)