Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2016-03-22 16:34 Even if the actual server is not directly accessible with HTTPS the instance is, through the reverse proxy. After all, your current sys_default_domain parameter value does not indicate explicitly the server running Tuleap but the domain from which your Tuleap instance can be accessed. It should be the same thing for sys_https_host. I do not see a drawback to have the sys_https_host parameter set. Without it we have probable issues in the webdav plugin, Git plugin (mailing hook) and some checks in URLVerification.class.php seems wrong.
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2016-03-22 09:42 The actual server is running in http (not S), ssl is terminated by the RP. Hence empty sys_https_host
Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2016-03-22 00:54 It looks like your sys_https_host parameter is empty. Is there a reason for that in this context? Status changed from New to Acknowledged