    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    17 (2016-06-22 00:00)

    Referencing rel #8983
    Referenced by rel #8983

    Artifact Tracker v5

    story #8418 setup a git permissions template for my project
    request #9195 Clean up Trove Categorization
    request #9203 Fix Kanban drag placeholder & header/footer z-index
    request #9202 Make Tuleap compatible with PHP 5.6
    story #9083 trigger webhooks on git push
    request #9204 SQL injections in CVS module
    request #9141 Agile Dashboard xml export includes trackers that are not used in the plugin
    request #8468 Unable to access svn immutable tags configuration with huge repository
    story #9197 Get rid of Bootstrap in site admin (step 1)
    story #8419 have permissions per tags/branches
    request #9208 When TLS is forced Tuleap must only create URL with HTTPS scheme
    request #9216 SVN immutable tags does not prevent from adding a file in a immutable tag
    request #9196 tv3->tv5 migration does not import the Gantt chart field properties
    request #9206 Better import in place
    request #9220 Unable to import big xml project archive
    request #9218 Fix default scrum template
    request #9188 Some field labels do not appear on the modal in the scrum cardwall
    request #9217 Tracker report : Can't make a search on value zero in a int or float field
    request #9222 Cannot add site admin as project member during import
    request #9034 tv5->tv5 migration: FormElement binded to a user group should only verify at import time if the user exist in the platform
    request #9226 Fatal error when accessing a tracker using a deprecated computed field
    request #9209 Submitting artifact with unset mandatory fields reverts the Description field format to TEXT and inserts HTML tags
    request #9229 Fatal error during SystemEvent_FULLTEXTSEARCH_TRACKER_ARTIFACT_UPDATE
    request #9228 Do not stack multiple FTS reindex event
    request #9237 computed field v2 too much warning
    request #9239 Computed field v2 error on autocompute calculation
    request #9247 CI token pane is unusable
    request #9225 Bar chart are not displayed when same field is used in source data and group_by
    request #9245 Imported SVN repositories are owned by root
    request #9238 double escaping in admin deprecation monitoring panel
    request #9246 Openfire provided with Tuleap uses a weak DH group
    request #9250 GitPHP search is not working with friendly URL
    story #9181 Add an api to allow ci to send build status updates and add an event which will be raised when the api is called
    story #9182 Access to git_dir, work_tree, git_cmd
    request #9254 Restricted users cannot access SVN plugin viewvc
    request #9259 POST /git/{id}/build_status is declared as hybrid but ask for a basic authentication
    request #9262 Check forgeupgrade for administrator only if enabled in
    request #9264 A computed field that need to be migrated can't be updated by an admin
    request #9265 The autocomputed value displayed when a manual value is set is always wrong
    request #9267 Error with grunt-contrib-sass when using symlinked artifact-modal
    request #9266 Fatal error while importing scrum template
    request #9271 gitolite rule error when "Nobody" or nothing is selected
    request #9269 Can't create new mailing list
    request #9272 Order of tags/branches permissions matters
    request #9275 Fatal error on project creation with fine grain perms in template
