      request #9498 Error when refreshing certain artifacts
    Patrick-Jeffrey Pollo Guilbert (epatpol)
    2017-06-07 19:58
    2016-09-15 17:31
    Error when refreshing certain artifacts
    I get the following error when trying to refresh certain artifacts from certain trackers :

    Thu Sep 15 10:51:31 EDT 2016
    An error 403 occurred while invoking GET /api/v1/projects/199/user_groups: Forbidden: Permission Denied

    Looking at the api explorer, it seems like there is a padlock next to that route. Does that mean it's restricted to certain people with the correct access rights only? Using postman, I can reproduce the error with the same route, so I assume the connector behavior is normal. The thing is, even if the error is informative, I'm not entirely sure it's a good thing to show it to the user, why is the connector even trying to access it in the first place etc.
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    Patricia Carrasco (pcar)
    References list is empty


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    Is listing people who are members not a feature of the connector?

    I don't know

    AFAIR, the tracker routes were designed to return a list of people when needed (in tracker structure for list fields bounds to user groups) so fetching the list of users shouldn't be required.

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    Is listing people who are members not a feature of the connector? If that is indeed the case, then I'm really not sure why the connector executes the following code:

    for (TuleapUserGroup userGroup : tuleapRestClient.getProjectUserGroups(project.getIdentifier(),
    monitor)) {
    for (TuleapUser tuleapUser : tuleapRestClient.getUserGroupUsers(userGroup.getId(), monitor)) {

    The register function and the map it updates is pretty much only used in tests.
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    Actually the behaviour (403) is correct if the user is not project administrator. Only project admins can list people who are members of user groups.

    But AFAIR, there shouldn't be a need for the eclipse connector to do such a call. Hence the question of @nterray about the path the connector followed to have a need for this call.

    • Reported in version cleared values: 8.19
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    last edited by: William Enright (ewilenr) 2017-03-27 21:49
    Gentle bump. This error is easily reproducible when refreshing an artifact or when attempting to create a new query. The API explorer on Tuleap.net does not specifiy whether this API call requires elevated access rights or not, so I'm not sure if this behavior is intentional. Regardless, I have a simple fix for the issue should this be deemed unnecessary info to display to the user.
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    It would be interesting to know the path the connector took that led to this REST call. Furthermore is the behaviour always reproducible – blank state, get the artifact (no error), refresh the artifact (error).