Rui NARCISO (rui_nar)2017-01-06 15:23 Very good point. On drag-n-drop it would add/remove the corresponding category/area taking care to avoid duplication. Ex: artifact has tag "areas" with items "area1, area2". On drag n drop from area1 to area2 it would simply remove area1 from the tag and would keep only one card in area2. On drag-n-drop to area3, it would add area3,the tag would then be "area1,area2,area3". The card would be "repeated" on the 3 columns.
Rui NARCISO (rui_nar)2017-01-06 11:45 My business example : I have a task covering different areas of expertise which is assigned to me. I would like to have a czrdwall representing these areas so that the expert person of each area can see the existing task and proactively provide help if possible. What I'm currently doing is splitting the task into several tasks, each one tagged differently so I can have this view. I hope it's clearer.
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2017-01-06 11:13 Could you provide a concret example / business case of the problem it would solve ?