Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2017-02-20 09:38 Maybe you should have a look at:
Charbel Melhem (c.melhem)2017-02-18 11:00 Is there any changes in Postfix/ after installing Tuleap to do to get mail notifications from Tuleap?
Charbel Melhem (c.melhem)2017-02-16 09:20 Ok, in fact the problem is the following: Due to any changes in a tracker (Task, Issue, Bug, etc..) in Tuleap the assigned user should be notified via E-Mail. This will via forge__artifacts@localhost.localdomain occur with a delay of sometimes 1 day and it's not stable. Our ISP could block any Email with "localhost" or without domain-ending as .com .de, ... I am trying to localize the issue. Any idea?
Yannis ROSSETTO (rossettoy)2017-02-16 09:13 Hello, You can change noreply in the configuration file ($sys_noreply). However, the forge__artifact cannot be changed, because it's used by the reply by email feature in the tracker service. Status changed from New to Waiting for information