


You can use: AND, OR, WITH PARENT, WITHOUT PARENT, WITH CHILDREN, WITHOUT CHILDREN, BETWEEN(), NOW(), MYSELF(), IN(), NOT IN(), parenthesis. Autocomplete is activated with Ctrl + Space.

Matching artifacts: 1224

Artifact ID
Is an Enhancement or an internal improvement?
Last Modified On
Reported in version
8159Duplicate ticket creation/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-06-18 16:05New
7957Plugin creationAgile Dashboard2015-03-30 07:48New
7867Search Fields Order/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-03-30 14:55Waiting for information
7868Changable fields in trackers/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-03-30 15:01Waiting for information
7916is there any way to override tuleap code?/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-03-31 08:03Waiting for information
7863Field dependency limit?/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-03-31 09:51Waiting for information
7724Gerrit replication housekeepingenhancement/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png SCM/Gerrit2015-04-08 13:45Under review
2863Same name values in select box field and cardwall problem./themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-04-15 16:44Verified
8010Create user on the fly when create new taskenhancementProject admin2015-04-15 16:50New
8031Artifact Eport TimeOut Problem/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-04-27 09:52New
8109Size of the columns and fields in it prevent from editing a field/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-05-28 22:33New lost conf when repo is migrated/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png SCM/Gerrit2015-06-15 19:09New
8150an error occured in the logger.DB error /themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-06-18 08:21Waiting for information
7870Pie Chart Bug/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-02-16 11:33New
8131Tuleap Won't Start anymoreOther2015-06-26 21:09New
8234Bad URL in mail for listMailing lists2015-07-15 16:26New
8293"User Name Display" defined in Account Preferences is not respected when csv export is performed/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-07-29 22:43New
8312Removed deprecated UserRepresentation properties2015-08-07 11:49New
8149Artifact Links in a tracker with custom filteringenhancement/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-09-09 04:03New
8463Open list field type cannot be selected as Assignee semantic/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-10-02 21:24New
8562Daily historical data for milestones (sprints/releases)enhancementAgile Dashboard2015-11-18 08:51New
8745In register mails, links on buttons are only on text2016-01-05 12:13New
7703V2 Planning - Issue when moving a solo artifact to a storyAgile Dashboard2016-01-12 14:07New
8781Multiple mandatory fields on transitionenhancement/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2016-01-13 10:41New
38306Enable Rocky Linux Security SIG repo on container images/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Docker images2024-06-12 17:07Under implementation
5705Project not active is not visible in Project Treeenhancement2013-12-09 09:15Acknowledged
1129Some images/charts are not generated for restricted usersOther2012-11-30 16:07Verified (disabled)
1868tuleap-devel get posts from email-not-found@tuleap.net2013-02-15 17:30New
1546Login to post a new threadMailing lists2013-04-29 12:44New
2191Charts renderer datasourceenhancement2013-05-23 10:39Acknowledged
5148After editing artifact from Search UI user is returned to tracker query/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2013-09-24 10:20Verified
5142Computed Field issues on the Search/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2013-09-24 10:20Verified
5136Special chars are encoded in email when they should not beOther2013-09-24 10:20Verified
5146No validation done on sprint name - able to create duplicate sprintsAgile Dashboard2013-09-24 10:29Verified
5138Cards truncated on cardwallAgile Dashboard2013-09-24 10:51Verified
5431When you add a backlog item in a milestone content, artifact link overlay is brokenAgile Dashboard2013-10-18 18:18New
5472Have universally unique identifier for artifacts/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2013-10-24 11:40New
5469Allow to customize the subject of the artifact notifictationenhancement/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2013-11-22 09:48New
1747Duplicated ID for li element on cardwall2012-11-30 15:46New
6260Projects treeOther2014-02-20 09:25New
6891UI goes crazy when I add a chart on a report I should not be able to update/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2014-05-16 14:37New
6965Remove of font size lead to notices in PFUser class2014-05-29 10:13New
1939Online code editing inside Tuleap/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png SCM/Git2014-06-12 17:36New
6246Task linking does not work if there is space in the Tuleap project nameMylyn2014-06-18 17:53Acknowledged
7095[Feature Request] Mandatory field due to workflow is not marked as mandatory2014-06-23 14:00Verified
7272REST Get /v1/trackers/{id}/artifacts doesn't workOther2014-08-01 17:20New
7609Warning while iinstaling tuleap-gitolite-membership2014-11-07 11:30New
7752Project member shouldn't be able to put more task in WIPenhancement/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Trackers2015-01-08 05:52New
7773workflow transition2015-01-19 11:41New
7789Admin settings changing automaticallyProject admin2015-01-23 10:37New
Count (group by)
Count (group by)
Items 150 of 1224Items per page :