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Matching artifacts: 1278

Artifact ID
Submitted by
Last Modified On
8149Artifact Links in a tracker with custom filteringNewDjuro Drljaca (djurodrljaca)2015-09-09 04:03
8405Tuleap MyLyn synchronization does not workNewJan Moxter (jan.moxter)2015-09-07 23:57
8402Problems with permissions inheritance during project creationNewAndrzej Ostruszka (krasnal)2015-09-03 17:57
8370Incorrect text when trying to update an artefact with permissions field setNewDjuro Drljaca (djurodrljaca)2015-08-25 15:22
8367Deletion of a cross-reference is not "logged" in the comment sectionNewDjuro Drljaca (djurodrljaca)2015-08-25 11:08
8366Cross-references can be deleted even though permissions is set to read-onlyNewDjuro Drljaca (djurodrljaca)2015-08-25 11:07
8365Change artefact permissions on transitionNewDjuro Drljaca (djurodrljaca)2015-08-25 10:31
8343Automatically set field value from parentWaiting for informationJonathan (jod)2015-08-17 17:09
8290update empty required rb fieldWaiting for informationRokhaya (ro6c)2015-08-12 11:32
8312Removed deprecated UserRepresentation propertiesNewdylan bowden (dylan)2015-08-07 11:49
8293"User Name Display" defined in Account Preferences is not respected when csv export is performedNewPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2015-07-29 22:43
8287fatal error in RESt PUT /artifacts:idVerifiedRokhaya (ro6c)2015-07-29 10:37
8255user preferences not respected for select boxes binded to users in pv2Newdylan bowden (dylan)2015-07-22 09:35
8235submit button does not appear when adding ctrl+v follow-up in html formatVerifieddylan bowden (dylan)2015-07-17 15:54
8234Bad URL in mail for listNewElisa Laurent (elaurent)2015-07-15 16:26
8223Docker : missing dependenciesNewguillaume (gmegme)2015-07-12 22:23
8199user account add mail address if LDAP do not have mail propertyNewjojo (rjiejie)2015-07-06 11:23
8183Artifact deletion made easierNewValentin Cavel (elosi)2015-07-06 10:04
8191Open lists bind to users does not work with Authenticated (Registered + restricted) user groupNewYannis ROSSETTO (rossettoy)2015-07-02 13:44
8190Mark message of the day as "read", and hide itNewGunnar Strand (gunnar)2015-07-02 10:52
8182Cannot save columns display in reports of trackersNewNicolas (nico0las)2015-06-28 23:37
8131Tuleap Won't Start anymoreNewKelly Ferrone (kferrone)2015-06-26 21:09
8177Mandatory Dependency ConstraintsNewTimothee TRONCY (timteam)2015-06-25 11:36
8165I shouldn't have to right to create a submilestone in planning views I don't have the right to link it to the milestoneVerifiedBenjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean)2015-06-23 10:07
8159Duplicate ticket creationNewkannan (kannanc)2015-06-18 16:05
8150an error occured in the logger.DB error Waiting for informationkannan (kannanc)2015-06-18 08:21 lost conf when repo is migratedNewNicolas Terray (nterray)2015-06-15 19:09
8126HTML File Instead of iFrameNewKelly Ferrone (kferrone)2015-06-10 00:03
8127Hide password when creating user as adminNewThomas Cottier (tcottier)2015-06-08 11:15
8125Adding a URL to a text field in an artifact causes it to get turned into a linkNewIsaac Campbell (isaac.campbell)2015-06-05 21:42
8123‘Generate Full Project Database’ link not visibleNewJimmy Jones (jimmy)2015-06-05 16:59
8117"Assigned to" field defined as OpenList does not appear in SemanticNewPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2015-06-02 13:42
8109Size of the columns and fields in it prevent from editing a fieldNewPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2015-05-28 22:33
8105authentication fatal error with non ldap userVerifieddylan bowden (dylan)2015-05-28 09:52
8103A broken hash function is used to check the integrity of a fileVerifiedThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2015-05-27 16:53
8099Falsy error message while attaching a file to a releaseNewNicolas Terray (nterray)2015-05-27 11:14
8088Charts with float inputAcknowledgedAndrzej Ostruszka (krasnal)2015-05-25 11:46
8068HTML format extensionNewDavid Bolla (bkopy)2015-05-12 10:37
8066Cron should not raise fatal error when db is down for maintenanceNewNicolas Terray (nterray)2015-05-11 11:33
8061"Fixed/locked/floating" position of the statuses in cardwall view of the trackersNewDavid Bolla (bkopy)2015-05-06 10:48
8046email prefix conf is not inherited while forking a git repositoryNewNicolas Terray (nterray)2015-04-29 14:30
8032mediwiki theme broken on public page when browsing as anonNewdylan bowden (dylan)2015-04-27 10:04
8031Artifact Eport TimeOut ProblemNewkannan (kannanc)2015-04-27 09:52
8029Big changeset can lead to server core dumpNewManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2015-04-24 14:02
5910aliases and aliases.codendi : tuleap admin alias inconsistencyNewMartin Hamant (martin-h)2015-04-24 09:05
8022Gantt chart sort optionNewRobert Cerny (dlab)2015-04-22 08:31
8010Create user on the fly when create new taskNewCyril Francois (cfrancois)2015-04-15 16:50
2863Same name values in select box field and cardwall problem.VerifiedThomas Cottier (tcottier)2015-04-15 16:44
8007Modifier un artifact (radio bouton)NewLionel Faure (adminsys)2015-04-15 10:48
7988Weird error message when adding user by txt fileNewYannis ROSSETTO (rossettoy)2015-04-09 15:19
Items 11011150 of 1278Items per page :