


You can use: AND, OR, WITH PARENT, WITHOUT PARENT, WITH CHILDREN, WITHOUT CHILDREN, BETWEEN(), NOW(), MYSELF(), IN(), NOT IN(), parenthesis. Autocomplete is activated with Ctrl + Space.

Matching artifacts: 1278

Artifact ID
Submitted by
Last Modified On
5503Status field displayed on card is not refreshedNewPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-10-29 15:25
5472Have universally unique identifier for artifactsNewNicolas Terray (nterray)2013-10-24 11:40
5434Allow drag and drop priority in tracker content display - eg Epic user story listNewGlyn Durban (gdurban)2013-10-21 11:27
5431When you add a backlog item in a milestone content, artifact link overlay is brokenNewBenjamin Dauton (bdauton_enalean)2013-10-18 18:18
4568Problem with Date field if it was created with default value "Today"VerifiedPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-10-17 11:59
5348Live update of the cardwall does not update the status of the storyNewNicolas Terray (nterray)2013-10-11 19:27
5347User story not switching to done when all tasks are doneNewNicolas Terray (nterray)2013-10-11 19:18
5138Cards truncated on cardwallVerifiedPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-09-24 10:51
5141User Story not displayed in the Sprint PlanVerifiedPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-09-24 10:50
5144A Bug artifact created as a child of Test Case does not appear on the Card WallVerifiedPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-09-24 10:43
5146No validation done on sprint name - able to create duplicate sprintsVerifiedPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-09-24 10:29
5140Tasks rearranging on the cardwall when clicking on a taskVerifiedPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-09-24 10:20
5131Cannot create a trigger to clear the Impediment valueVerifiedPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-09-24 10:20
5136Special chars are encoded in email when they should not beVerifiedPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-09-24 10:20
5142Computed Field issues on the SearchVerifiedPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-09-24 10:20
5148After editing artifact from Search UI user is returned to tracker queryVerifiedPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-09-24 10:20
5139Look at earlier version of wikiNewPatricia Carrasco (pcar)2013-09-23 21:27
4789when I add a child artifact and I make a mistake on the artifact link before re-submitting it does nimp with artifact linkingNewNicolas Terray (nterray)2013-08-19 09:07
4705Import of agile template leads to 2 binds for list fieldsNewManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2013-08-06 14:51
4067Strange screen for a non-logged-in user on the top planning view of the Agile dashboardNewdylan bowden (dylan)2013-06-24 11:53
3477ROOT_DAILY errorWaiting for informationJean-Louis Schricke (mesulog)2013-06-05 08:04
3610Open Epics/ no more Epics instead of "user stories"NewMartin GOYOT (goyotm)2013-05-30 15:15
3589change of directory when submitting an invalid new document in docman Newdylan bowden (dylan)2013-05-30 08:45
3529Breadcrumb is leaking informationVerifiedNicolas Terray (nterray)2013-05-27 08:45
2191Charts renderer datasourceAcknowledgedYann BARRAULT (ybarrault)2013-05-23 10:39
1546Login to post a new threadNewManon Midy (mmidy)2013-04-29 12:44
1868tuleap-devel get posts from email-not-found@tuleap.netNewManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2013-02-15 17:30
1879Card not refreshed when dragged 2 timesNewManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2012-11-30 15:35
Items 12511278 of 1278Items per page :