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Matching artifacts: 44

Artifact ID
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41479Bump Vite to 5.4.142025-01-23 09:09Closed2025-01-23 15:47Dev toolsThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
41478Support Branch Permissions for Master/Dev Branches2025-01-22 18:55NewAll2025-01-22 18:55/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png SCM/GitSean Daniel (sdaniel_sf)
41477Stop publishing enalean/bz2tuleap image on Docker Hub2025-01-22 14:56Acknowledged2025-01-22 14:56OtherThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
41475Charts in tracker are not updated according to the search2025-01-21 16:09Closed16.32025-01-22 10:33/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png TrackersClarisse Deschamps (cdeschamps)
41474Colors associated with select box values are not displayed in the tracker report widgets2025-01-21 11:43Verified16.32025-01-21 11:43Dashboard & WidgetsSandra Echinard (sechinard)
41473Cannot display Baseline UI when using pt_BR or ko_KR locale2025-01-20 17:05Verified16.32025-01-20 18:10Translation / gettext / i18nCoralie Da Silva (coraliedsv)
41472Can't log in as admin to the web interface using the password I've specified2025-01-20 16:19New16.32025-01-20 16:19/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Authentication & LDAPasega asega (asega)
41471Error on git repository deletion2025-01-20 10:57Closed2025-01-20 14:14/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png SCM/GitManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
41470katex: 0.16.11 -> 0.16.212025-01-20 09:21Closed2025-01-20 10:26OtherThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
41469implementing Scrumban board2025-01-17 19:14New2025-01-17 19:14Sylvain Planque (sylvain.planque)
41468Move UGroupDao class to prepared statements2025-01-17 16:59ClosedAll2025-01-20 14:38OtherThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
41467Refactor artidoc's composable architecture2025-01-17 16:00Under implementationdevelopment2025-01-17 16:00/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png ArtidocThomas Gorka (tgorka)
41465Expose a `submitter_user_groups` key in the artifact update webhook payload2025-01-17 10:31Closed2025-01-23 13:51/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png TrackersThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
41462Permissions for Individual Project Dashboards2025-01-16 22:25New16.12025-01-16 22:25Dashboard & WidgetsTuleap PCC (tuleappcc)
41461pass step-definition-field app into vue compat mode2025-01-16 16:16Under implementation2025-01-16 16:16Marie Ange Garnier (marieange)
Items 115 of 44Items per page :