Requests - 2024-12-21 16:09



You can use: AND, OR, WITH PARENT, WITHOUT PARENT, WITH CHILDREN, WITHOUT CHILDREN, BETWEEN(), NOW(), MYSELF(), IN(), NOT IN(), parenthesis. Autocomplete is activated with Ctrl + Space.

Matching artifacts: 1278

Artifact ID
Submitted by
Last Modified On
41128Drop unused `codendi_utils_prefix` settingUnder reviewThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-12-20 15:15
40460Have a single source of truth for configuration variablesUnder implementationManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-12-20 12:00
41115Cannot filter artifacts with an open value of an open list via the REST APIUnder reviewThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-12-19 17:03
41118Hierarchy update history should not be stored in user language in dbUnder implementationMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-19 14:56
39713Migrate javascript app into compat modeNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-16 17:20
39011Remove news and forums serviceUnder implementationManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-12-12 16:13
41110Run Tuleap with PHP 8.4Under implementationThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-12-12 12:54
41101Build Domain objects without passing interfacesUnder reviewJoris MASSON (jmasson)2024-12-09 17:11
40462Modernize GraphOnTrackersV5Under implementationKevin Traini (ktraini)2024-12-06 10:50
41095Migrate plugin-program-management-iterations to Vue 3Under implementationJoris MASSON (jmasson)2024-12-06 10:10
39712Migrate class component apps to Composition API + Vue 3NewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-06 09:46
39666Subversion access control should refuse invalid configurationsNewManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-12-04 15:56
39740Show remaining time and estimated time on subtasks in the backlogNewThibaud Fidel (thibaud.fidel)2024-12-04 15:56
39746Be able to dynamically filter on roadmapNewCyril DORCY (cdorcy)2024-12-04 15:56
39710Every vue app should be in typescriptNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
39711Get rid of vuexNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
39754Migrate remaining applications out of AngularJsNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
39755Get Rid of Flamming parrot in project administrationNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
39756Get rid of Flamming Parrot in DocumentNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
39757Get Rid of Flamming Parrot in SVN PluginNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
39758Get Rid of Flamming Parrot in FilesNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
39760Get Rid of Flamming Parrot in CI serviceNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
39761Get Rid of Flamming Parrot in Git serviceNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
39762Get Rid of JQueryNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
39759Get Rid of Flaming Parrot in TrackersNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:54
40067Stop manually updating the VERSION fileUnder implementationThomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2024-12-04 15:54
40434Improve burndown logsUnder implementationMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:42
40441Larger default edit box for follow-up commentsNewTuleap PCC (tuleappcc)2024-12-04 15:42
40455Replace modal v2 everywhereNewJoris MASSON (jmasson)2024-12-04 15:41
39751Replace ckeditor by prose mirrorNewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:41
40479Possibility to add Image(s) in Pull request during a code reviewNewnathalie cazaux (ncx)2024-12-04 15:41
40476Improve deptrac Under implementationMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:40
24235Add cypress tests for git and pull requestUnder reviewMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:40
31168Migration Vue2 => Vue3Under implementationMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-12-04 15:40
40108Quicker navigation in long/complex artifactsNewTuleap PCC (tuleappcc)2024-12-04 15:39
40446add button to clear filter in kanban viewNewVincent Gatignol-Jamon (vinc)2024-11-15 11:41
1747Duplicated ID for li element on cardwallNewYannis ROSSETTO (rossettoy)2024-11-15 11:35
40452Duplicate/copy/clone artifact with more than 30 childrenNewTuleap PCC (tuleappcc)2024-11-15 11:34
40453Show Milestones in Chronological order in BacklogNewTuleap PCC (tuleappcc)2024-11-15 11:33
40064Duplicate artifact Reset Status to initial valueNewSandra Echinard (sechinard)2024-11-13 22:30
40451Allow cross tracker search results to be exported to csvNewTuleap PCC (tuleappcc)2024-11-13 20:44
40129Cannot move out of preformattedVerifiedManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-11-06 09:39
40126Project export error are not properly loggedUnder implementationMarie Ange Garnier (marieange)2024-11-04 15:30
37221Ability to choose text format in "Create a new artifact" modal NewKayla Robinson (krobinson)2024-10-29 16:50
11751No tooltip in Kanban Board on Linked ArtifactsNewEtienne Sqad (sqad007)2024-10-25 11:32
18318artifact edition should check that artifact can be submitted without lostNewManuel Vacelet (vaceletm)2024-10-25 11:32
36816Rename a report without having to create a new reportNewKayla Robinson (krobinson)2024-10-25 11:31
40107Strikethrough in HTMLNewTuleap PCC (tuleappcc)2024-10-25 11:29
40109Notifications when a new project is requestedNewTuleap PCC (tuleappcc)2024-10-25 11:28
36499Show diff between two datesNewKayla Robinson (krobinson)2024-10-24 21:55
Items 150 of 1278Items per page :